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Generic Area model in iIDM
Describe the current behavior
iIDM (today) v1.12 supports the following which somewhat mimics areas:
- Specifying the Country of a Substation
- Specifying the TSO of a Substation
- Adding geographical tags per Substation (simple list of string)
- Subnetworks (available since v1.11)
Describe the expected behavior
Although above data model fits most simple use cases, it comes with limitations for real world cases:
- smallest granularity is a Substation
- the area boundaries are not explicitly listed
- a geographical tag is nothing more than a string
- no possibility to distinguish between a Dangling Line representing an AC interconnection vs. a DC Converter modeled through a simple Equivalent Injection
We propose to introduce a generic "area" concept in iIDM v1.13, separated from the above-mentioned features which will remain as is.
Describe the motivation
- Area Interchange Control in LoadFlow
- Security Analysis, Rebalancing in contingency state based on control blocks
- Security Analysis, Countertrading Remedial Actions based on Bidding Zones
- Zonal automatons
Extra Information
Tentative Design, for discussion
AreaType-s are defined/contained in an iidm:Network and allow data engineer to describe the type of areas that will be instantiated in the Network.
AreaType is an iidm:Identifiable
, a new iidm:IdentifiableType.AREA_TYPE
is introduced.
Examples of AreaTypes are:
- Control Area
- Scheduling Area
- Bidding Zone
- Control Block
- Organizational region such as GeographicalRegion, SubGeographicalRegion, Capacity Coordination Region, Outage Coordination Region, ...
- Automaton protected zone
- Load Areas & generation areas
- (Note that Country & TSO could as well fit in there)
PowSyBl does not pre-define any AreaType, user can adapt to their specific use case.
An AreaType has no specific attribute - AreaType mostly only needs to extend iidm:AbstractIdentifiable
fields (interface methods actually).
Note: TODO subnetwork & merge handling
An Area is defined by:
- (unique) ID and other attributes from
- An AreaType (mandatory)
- a target AC Net Interchange (MW, load sign convention, optional)
- a net interchange tolerance (MW, optional)
Then depending on use case, an Area may be used to:
- define area boundaries,
- and/or, assign the area to equipments or equipment containers.
Area boundaries
Boundaries may be attached to Area-s, a given boundary is a Terminal and may be added by providing:
- A tie-line, with the side specified.
- A DanglingLine, with indication if DC or AC.
- Any connectable Terminal, with indication if DC or AC.
Area assignment
The following iIDM concepts may be assigned zero, one, or multiples areas:
- Containers:
- SubNetwork
- Substation
- VoltageLevel
- Equipments:
- Connectable
A given object may have only one Area of a given AreaType. Defining two areas of the same AreaType on the same object is forbidden and rejected.
To resolve the Area having a given AreaType for a given object:
- first the area definitions in the object itself are searched (highest priority)
- then the containing VoltageLevel is searched
- then the containing Substation is searched
- then the containing SubNetwork is searched (lowest priority)
In most cases, assigning the Area to the SubNetwork is sufficient.
Area methods, interface
TODO, e.g.:
- getLoads, getGenerators, ...
- getBoundaries
- getTotalNetInterchange (AC+DC)
- getTotalNetACInterchange (AC only)
iIDM (de)serialization
After a first look at the PR and reading again the issue:
- Why do we need the area type to be an identifiable?
- Getting the target AC net Interchange (MW, load sign convention, optional) or the net interchange tolerance (MW, optional) is specific to the type of area and I don't understand why we put that in the generic
interface. We need areas for automaton systems, we are not going to put the needed attributes in the same interface. Do I miss something? - We already have a
object: for a good understanding of the iidm model, we must use the same wording.Point
have no meaning in iidm (maybe in CGMES): we have terminals, nodes, boundaries, buses. - What is the purpose of public enum BoundaryPointType with HVDC, PAIRED_AC, UNPAIRED_AC and IGNORED_AC ? If the terminal belongs to an HVDC line, it is a DC border, else it is AC. And what means paired, unpaired, ignored? If we have a terminal of a dangling line, it is easy to know if it is paired of not. In which cases it is different ? If it is ignored, why do you need the boundary "point" in the list ?
Hello @annetill, thank you for the feedbacks ! The answers are :
- It is useful to have the Identifiable structure on AreaType-s, with a name, alias, existing serde, etc. Also, using a AreaType instead of a simple String helps ensuring the consistency and unicity of each AreaType
- Those attributes are needed for the AIC computations. They are optional so they won’t impact any other Area usages. Storing them as optional attributes in Area-s seems much cleaner and more practical than storing them in an Area extension.
- The whole "boundaryPoint" model was a WIP and has since been modified. About the paired/unpaired, it can indeed be computed. And ignored elements just won't be added to the Area. So we now use a simpler structure: a BoundaryTerminal record, with just a boolean to indicate if the terminal if on an AC or DC line.
Just for me, as a reminder of a similar need from our side https://github.com/powsybl/powsybl-core/blob/main/cgmes/cgmes-extensions/src/main/java/com/powsybl/cgmes/extensions/CgmesControlArea.java.