powsybl-core copied to clipboard
Contingency lists improvements
Do you want to request a feature or report a bug? Bug/improvements required for GridSuite's needs on identifiers based contingency lists.
What is the current behavior?
1/ we have a useless field identifiableType in IdentifierContingencyList
Expected behavior : done in https://github.com/powsybl/powsybl-core/pull/2491
2/ there's no 'name' field on NetworkElementIdentifierList class.
Expected behavior : We'd like to associate a name to each NetworkElementIdentifierList. #2515
3/ we can create N-K defaults but the k defaults are not applied, only the first one is used in filterIdentifiable(). only N-1 defaults are supported done in #2515
Expected behavior : We'd like to create and filter with N-K default lists.
4/ ContingencyList type is a simple String
Expected behavior : we could use an enum but it's not a priority not required
5/ GroovyContingencyList is not serializable because of fied GroovyCodeSource codeSource. It makes impossible the mapping with this class in GridSuite. Do we want to change the design of GroovyContingencyList ? We keep it like this and GS will not be homogeneous on this class ? Expected behavior : not required actually
6/ There is only one nominal voltage for LineCriterionContingencyList.
Expected behavior : We'd like to use a DoubleNominalVoltageCriterion
7/ When the list of countries of SingleCountryCriterion is empty, no contingency is returned. #2512 (closed PR) done in #2515
8/ 2 nominal voltage criterions for HvdcLines. Should be one ?
- What is the motivation / use case for changing the behavior? These changes are needed for GridSuite integration of contingency lists.