backbone-forms copied to clipboard
Form framework for BackboneJS with nested forms, editable lists and validation
Changed regexp rule for email with 4 domain level ([email protected]). This regexp was tested on more then 50 emails.
I tried to load the editor using `// import List from 'backbone-forms/distribution.amd/editors/list.js';`, but I got error "Cannot read property 'editors' of undefined". Can someone please help me with a proper...
When I call `form.commit({validate: false})` I am receiving errors in response. ``` var MyModel = Backbone.Model.extend({ schema: { headline: { type: "Text", validators: [ "required" ] }, slug: { type:...
Like so: `form.commit({ schemaValidate:false })` This allows data to be written to the model using the handy `form.commit()` method in a preliminary state, before validation. Further discussion and usecase in...
Remove the onKeyPress handler from the number field as HTML5 number doesn't allow non-numeric input. Add "TODO" test - it won't render field with a non-numeric value. Update example with...
Merge #372, add test for the Add Button - does it still work after calling setValue. Should fix #517 too.
The implementation of `editors.Number.onKeyPress` is faulty and prevents the form from being submitted by pressing the "enter" key. Currently, the newline character `\r` gets appended to `newVal` in, which...
I'm finally getting around to upgrading my big app from the pre-refactor version of Backbone-Forms to the latest. There's a common pattern that I used everywhere which apparently stopped working...
We should be using $selector.prop('disabled', true) and $selector.prop('disabled', false); to toggle disabling of fields. This might mean selects are disabled properly. Check #412, #485, #497 behaves as expected. By using...
As per fix, push each rendered element into an array which we then pass to $.fn.add in one go - more efficient. Add test to ensure that add only gets...