fonts copied to clipboard
Install is ok, but dont work
I have this result:
My install process:
Ran into the same problem today. If you're using iTerm2, setting Preferences > Text > Non-ASCII Font to '12pt Meslo LG S Regular for Powerline' fixed the issue for me.
I was able to get this working in Terminal w/ oh-my-zsh. After having the same issue you had and reading the docs I found this issue which solved it for me. Changed my Source Code Pro to Source Code Pro Powerline in Terminal > Preferences and it instantly worked.
Installation works, but the fonts don't appear for choosing on the fonts window.
same issue , I can choose the powerline fonts from terminal preference setting ,but all powerline fonts not working , terminal will load from system default font
They don't even appear
Any tips?
Having the same issue, fonts installed - but symbols are not used.
iTerm 2 Settings
Font book:
Solved: For reference, I had to delete my current default profile and create it again in iTerm 2. That solved my issue. Fonts did not work on initial start, but when opening a new iTerm window after that they did work.
I couldn't get any font selection to show in the terminal until I chose Make Text Normal Size from the View menu. After that, it functioned normally.
iTerm now has its own checkbox for "Use built-in Powerline Glyphs"
I was facing the same issue.
- I just selected a random font and it starts appearing on the next attempt. Thought to share, might be helpful!
- Another approach that may be helpful is, just uninstall the font and reinstall it.
I see that there is no activity since 2020.
I will post this here for future people facing this problem.
I am using pop os 22.04 but that doesn't matter that much.
What you have to do is to go to console preferences and change the font. In my specific case Liberation Mono
is showing the little icons and it works fine.