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Learning gem5 is a work-in-progress book to help gem5 users get started using gem5.
I'll update the book to be more clear about how to get SCons to pick up the new protocol. The magic is to create a SConsopts file in the same...
Changed broken command due to the removal of the tutorials directory.
It would be a good idea to have links to the exact build version on github within the book.
In the cache chapter, it would be good to use vectors instead of "new" for data.
You mentioned " Since we used a MemoryBandwidth parameter in the SimObject declaration, the bandwidth variable is automatically converted into bytes per tick", so shouldn't the below part (and in...
To be in line with what I'm pushing to mainline gem5, make Hello->Simple until the 3rd? chapter. Basically, only have hello object for the hello-goodbye example.
We should add some more details about event-driven simulation and what a "tick" is. The tick rate is a constant 1ps. gem5 is an event-driven simulation and time is measured...
fs_config.rst tries to link to chapters on kernel-chapter, full-system-arm-chapter, and m5-op-chapter. However, none of these keywords links to an actual chapter in the document. Matt
Before http://learning.gem5.org/book/part2/parameters.html, there are no comments in the hello_object.cc code that appears in the HTML. However, starting with this section, there are comments for member variables (myName, latency, timesLeft) that...