Jason Lowe-Power
Jason Lowe-Power
We should probably make new binaries before it's merged. Otherwise, we could easily forget. @Harshil2107 this is going to be on you :)
I don't know if I like having 70K lines of code change here... Could you rename NPB3.3.1 to just NPB in one commit and then overwrite it with 3.4.2? That...
There's no post-installation.sh in https://github.com/gem5/gem5-resources/compare/stable...Harshil2107:gem5-resources-repo:npb-img as far as I can tell
@hnpl your review would be helpful! @erin-le what testing have you done? Finally, @KyleRoarty you mentioned that you figured out a way to build this without separately launching qemu (I...
`configs/example/gem5_library/x86-spec-cpu2017-benchmarks.py` should work. There's also a 2006 version as well.
Oh, sorry. I didn't look closely enough. We don't have any scripts out of the box for Arm+SPEC. However, you should be able to use the x86 one as a...