Steve Curtis
Steve Curtis
I have two different ImageViews. One takes a square image and the other takes a specified ratio image. I'm trying to make it to where the user can click each...
How can I ensure that every image I crop comes out at a 512x512 aspect ratio? Currently, some images come out way smaller than the target imageview
Is it possible to combine this with the Volley NetworkImageView? I would like to pull my images from url's or json but have them take the shape of my svg/shape...
I followed [this]( tutorial and when I run the app, I get the following error referring to CircularReveal library. > Could not find method android.view.ViewAnimationUtils.createCircularReveal, referenced from method io.codetail.animation.ViewAnimationUtils.createCircularReveal
I've tried running "HUGE" but it failed to run. I really like how simple and easy to understand "mini" is. How can I create a model for login and registration?...
How can I create a custom home page design? I tried modifying the defaulthome.tpl but the home page didn't change. Any ideas?
Will this player have Firebase support? Or can I already implement Firebase as the source?
@MostafaGazar I would like to know if it is possible to combine this with the Volley NetworkImageView to give a custom shape to images being provided from a remote database....
I've added the classes to my project individually by hand since jitpack isn't working. I've added the SvgImageView to my layout and set the src image and svg image. Nothing...
I tried running `php composer.phar install` but got the error "Could not open file: composer.phar". I'm running the command prompt window from within my admingenerator folder. I've never used composer...