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An error when using identify_damaged_cells
Hi, I need your help with the error I've got when I run identify_damaged_cells.
The following is the code I run before.
wt.filtered.df_data <- subset(combined.filtered.df, group=="WT")[[c("nf","nCount_RNA")]]
colnames(wt.filtered.df_data) <- c("nf","umi")
wt.filtered.df_data.ed <- identify_empty_drops(wt.filtered.df_data, include_plot = TRUE)
wt.filtered.df_data.ed$seurat_clusters <- as.character(subset(combined.filtered.df, group=="WT")[["seurat_clusters"]][,"seurat_clusters"])
When I run the following code to identify damaged cells;
wt.filtered.df_data.ed.dc <- identify_damaged_cells(wt.filtered.df_data.ed, verbose = TRUE, output_plots = TRUE)
it produced an error;
Error in `[<-`(`*tmp*`, "1", mdl, value = bic(modelName = mdl, loglik = out$loglik, :
subscript out of bounds
Could you help me with this error? Is it possible to send you the data frame I use through your email?