face-recognition icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
face-recognition copied to clipboard

Face recognition using eigenfaces technique

===== About

This is a very simple face detection and recognition implementation in python. It uses opencv to detect faces and eigenfaces <https://github.com/antonyross/eigenfaces>_ to recognize the faces.

.. image:: demo.gif


Install dependecies::

$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt


First of all you have to train face recognizer how your face looks like. Then you can test it with demo command.



$ python3 facerecognition/main.py train

This command will take 10 pictures using your webcam. Press any key after every shot to take a new one.


To test face recognition use the demo that captures view from your webcam and recognizes faces in realtime::

$ python3 facerecognition/main.py demo


  • NumPy
  • OpenCV 3
  • matplotlib
  • PIL - Python Imaging Library
  • Python 3


Big thanks to Antony Ross providing me with the face recognition library and guiding me through it.

.. rubric:: References

.. [#f1] http://www.vision.jhu.edu/teaching/vision08/Handouts/case_study_pca1.pdf .. [#f2] http://wearables.cc.gatech.edu/paper_of_week/viola01rapid.pdf