Jack Poulson
Jack Poulson
I will submit a patch after I figure out how to appropriately handle the copyright notice given constraints imposed by my current employer.
It's worth noting that these deflation comments apply equally well to {s,d}lasd{6,7,8}.
{s,d}laed2 do not incorporate the norm of the rank-one update when choosing the deflation tolerance. In particular, they only look at the max-norm of z, where || z ||_2 =...
@fgvanzee Yes, Robert (@rvdg) already clarified. Such factorizations are especially useful for symmetric quasi-(semi)definite matrices, which are, up to permutation, of the form `[A, B; B', -C]`, where `A`, and...
Hi Field, Think of an $LDL^H$ factorization as a square-root free Cholesky factorization, where the pivots are stored in the diagonal matrix $D$. Each rank-one update of a right-looking /...
@fgvanzee The diagonal entries you divide by are sometimes called pivots even if you didn't permute. Per the other question: diagonally-pivoted Cholesky is useful for computing a rank-revealing factorization of...
@pauldj Quasi-diagonal 'D" -- which I find useful to refer to as 'B', as in LBL -- is only needed for the general symmetric/Hermitian-indefinite case. It is provably not needed...
I would find it very useful if there was an example of creating one or two of the fused kernels in BLIS (e.g., fused A^T x and A y for...
Yes, `bfloat16` is all the rage for inference right now for deciding which bucket to put something in. It's also worth mentioning the 8-bit integer quantization approach taken by https://github.com/google/gemmlowp....
Likewise, the links for the weather data no longer function. I have updated them (and extended them to include the hour) to current locations.