hello, hmmh it is not working as expected :-( First C-m-x is not defined here. I called eval-buffer and that works. Second if i complete names and push TAB it...
Am Mo, 2022-05-30, 11:39 -0700, Eric Abrahamsen ***@***.***> schrieb: hello, i just changed the things you mentioned. now the following occurs: ebdb-complete-mail shows definitely too less records. only the first...
Hello, OK i See. Then i will explain my ideas and wishes: 1. I do not have real problems with the configuration of ebdb inside Gnus. Because i use icicles...
> For your first question: Do you mean that, after you complete a mail record with TAB in message-mode, and the EBDB buffer pops up, it takes over the entire...
> Can you tell me if you've loaded 'ebdb-complete, and/or 'ebdb-message? Have you run the function ebdb-complete-enable? That might cause this kind of behavior. Hello, yes i load ebdb-complete and...
Eric Abrahamsen writes: Hello, yes i think i've loaded the required libraries. here is my config: (require 'ebdb) (require 'ebdb-gnus) (require 'ebdb-message) (require 'ebdb-migrate) (require 'ebdb-org) (require 'ebdb-pgp) (require 'ebdb-snarf)...
Thanks for that. I will wait to See. Btw: if i use ebdb-Complete-mail, then the problem is gone, but selected address from the ebdb-buffer unfortunately replaces the content of my...
oh i see. that is frustrating indeed. perhaps i could use an older sdk. do you know, which one you tested?
ok, only with this version it is compiling. i tried 1.1.6 and does not work. but unfortunately the building of cabbage with this cabbagerack build directory does not work. the...
Hello, unfortunately here is the same error. I'm on Org-mode 9.4, actual MELPA version of org-brain, Emacs 28, Fedora 34. I load it with (require 'org-brain), (require 'polymode) No other...