Hello, ok that sounds good. Any change that this will be fixed with checking the emacs version? I know a stupid question, but i'm not a developer... Or is there...
Hello, unfortunately not. Emacs complains "button-label: Wrong type argument: number-or-marker-p, nil" I did "M-x ace-link-help" in Article-buffer. Is this correct? Regards Poul
Thank you for your work. I will wait and see.
Yes, exactly this way i want to do. Do you Knowles what i could do? Regards Poul
Hello, wonderful! I will wait and come back. Regards Poul
hello there, my ebdb-complete-mail usualy is set to capf but now i set it to t. my message-completion-alist is (("^\\(Resent-\\)?\\(To\\|B?Cc\\|Reply-To\\|From\\|Mail-Followup-To\\|Mail-Copies-To\\):" . ebdb-complete-mail) if i push tab a window opens with...
you are right. i called ebdb-complee-enable. after commented it out, is bound to TAB (translated from ) runs the command message-tab (found in button-map), which is an interactive compiled Lisp...
Hello, unfortunately it is not working as expected. I will explain: Cursor is in the To: line and i type in info, then tab key. Because i do have more...
hello, no problem for the delay :-) but sorry, i do not fully understand, what you explained and what i have to do. i tried that: new message buffer. put...
i do not understand the paragraph about edebug???