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SoapySDR Python only connects to channel 0.
Thanks for the great SoapySDR library.
I'm having an issue when connecting to Cariboulite SDR using SoapySDR. I'm pretty sure the issue is contained within SoapySDR's Python interface: I can see both of Cariboulite's channels (S1G and HiF) and use them both from SDR++ and CubicSDR. But when writing Python scripts, I am limited to using only the S1G channel. For instance, getAntenna
only ever returns the S1G channel. Here is an example:
import SoapySDR # main package
from SoapySDR import * # constants
import numpy # buffers
import sys # exit on error
import pprint # pretty printer
mydriver = "Cariboulite" # Ref: "SoapySDRUtil --find"
mydirection = SOAPY_SDR_RX # Interested in receiver info
mychannel = 0 # or 1
stream_format = SOAPY_SDR_CS16
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter()
devices = SoapySDR.Device.enumerate()
for result in devices:
The above code returns the expected channels, so I know that SoapySDR can see them:
{'channel': 'S1G',
'device_id': '0',
'driver': 'Cariboulite',
'label': 'CaribouLite S1G[28fc7a78]',
'name': 'CaribouLite RPI Hat',
'serial': '28fc7a78',
'uuid': 'c8c3d8e6-f596-462b-a92b-d9678ec92d38',
'vendor': 'CaribouLabs LTD',
'version': '0x0001'}
{'channel': 'HiF',
'device_id': '1',
'driver': 'Cariboulite',
'label': 'CaribouLite HiF[28fc7a79]',
'name': 'CaribouLite RPI Hat',
'serial': '28fc7a79',
'uuid': 'c8c3d8e6-f596-462b-a92b-d9678ec92d38',
'vendor': 'CaribouLabs LTD',
'version': '0x0001'}
Unfortunately, when I call getAntenna
to start trying to collect a signal I am only able to get the S1G channel:
for channel in range(len(devices)):
ants = sdr.listAntennas(mydirection, channel)
for result in ants: pp.pprint(result)
# activate the antenna
ant = sdr.getAntenna(mydirection, 1)
print('\nSetup Stream:')
rxStream = sdr.setupStream(SOAPY_SDR_RX, stream_format)
print('\nActivate Stream:')
sdr.activateStream(rxStream) #start streaming
'TX/RX Sub1GHz'
'TX/RX Sub1GHz'
Setup Stream:
Activate Stream:
[ERROR] SoapySDR::Device::enumerate(sdrplay) sdrplay_api_Open() failed
[INFO] setupStream: dir= RX, format= CS16
I'm pretty sure the sdrplay
error isn't an issue here. As mentioned above, I know that through SDR++ and CubicSDR running with SoapySDR I can access the HiF antenna.
Any hints as to how I can access the channel listed as device_id: 1
Thanks for any help.