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Pothos Flow crashes
Hello, I'm having problems with Pothos Flow right now. I'm trying to analyze a car key. I am using different blocks and want to display the 2FSK signal in the Logic Analyzer. Whenever I start the program, it crashes with "No Response". Pothos Flow can only be restarted if I quit it in the Task Manager before. After the error has occurred, Pothos sometimes closes completely without an error message.
Could this be due to the Logic Analyzer block? I use a Wave Trigger to pass only signals from the radio key to the Logic Analyzer. When I remove the Logic Analyzer block, the flow works.
As hardware I use a LimeSDR. I would be very happy about help.
The Pothos Flow is attached
A little addendum. The program does not crash when starting the program, but only when I press a button on the radio key, so that a signal is sent. So in the end the program crashes as soon as the Logic Analyzer has data to analyze.
Sorry I have a lot of backlog to get through. Do you have an simpler example that replicates the crash? Something without the need for a live FSK signal. I don't see the crash with a noise source in place of the limesdr. Or do you happen to have a capture of FSK for a file source block to make it happen?
Hello, the problem I had at the time didn't occur again later. However, I finally omitted the Logic Analyzer block.
However, I currently have a problem that matches the title perfectly, and since the post is still open, I don't want to create a new one.
I'm still recording radio keys. Meanwhile this works very well. However, I'm currently trying to record a key that transmits on 2 different frequencies. I just use my topology that works for one frequency and copy it. I then create a new Soapy SDR source which I have measured on the other frequency with the other channel. I get the following errors every time I start the program:
Detected evaluation thread lock-up. The evaluator will not function: EvalEngineImpl.cpp:182 void __cdecl EvalEngineImpl::evaluate(void) TopologyEval.cpp:73 void __cdecl TopologyEval::update(void) TopologyEval.cpp:159 void __cdecl TopologyEval::commit(void)
Sometimes the thread recovers and I get the message:
Evaluation thread has recovered. Perhaps a call is taking too long.
Does this mean that the program is too complex and my laptop can't set all values fast enough, like gain, frequency etc?
As soon as I just deactivate the second Soapy SDR Source block I don't get this message anymore.
I also tried to use only one Soapy SDR block and record two channels with it, but I get the same error.
What I want to mention: Sometimes the following error occurs.
Failed to commit: Framework Topology Connect Error: Pothos::Topology::commit(): Framework Topology Connect Error: AddConst0.activate(): Exception: bad allocation
Whereby there is to say here that the error does not always come from the block AddConst. The cause for this reason varies. It is almost every time a different block.
Last but not least the last problem.
The block ClockRecovery sometimes throws the following error message: ClockRecoveryMM1[0] overconsumed 480 bytes, 460 available
Here the number of bytes varies. What is the reason? Do I have to decimate the signal first?
I would be very happy about help.
Hello, unfortunately I have not found a solution for the problem yet. Has anyone had similar problems?