guide copied to clipboard
update the term grammar
The term grammar in the guide does not completely capture the syntax of terms in gringo. It should be updated to include
- identifiers and variables prefixed with
s, - binary and unary operators,
- term pools, and
- external functions.
/******************** CLINGO GRAMMAR **********************/
/* Variable, Identifier, Number, String, and Operator are
tokens. */
Variable ::= [_']* [A-Z] [a-zA-Z0-9_']*
/* Identifier does not match the string 'not' */
Identifier ::= [_']* [a-z] [a-zA-Z0-9_']*
Number ::= '0' | [1-9] [0-9]*
String ::= '"' ([^\\"] | '\"' | '\\' | '\n')* '"'
/* Operator matches until whitespace, a comment, or the end
of input. It does not match ',', ';', ':', or '.'. */
Operator ::= [/<=>+\-*\\?&@|:;~^.!]+ | 'not'
/************************ TERMS ***************************/
Term ::= DotTerm
/* terms with precedence and associativity */
DotTerm ::= XorTerm | DotTerm '..' XorTerm
XorTerm ::= OrTerm | XorTerm '^' OrTerm
OrTerm ::= AndTerm | OrTerm '?' AndTerm
AndTerm ::= SumTerm | AndTerm '&' SumTerm
SumTerm ::= MulTerm | SumTerm ('+' | '-') MulTerm
MulTerm ::= ExpTerm | MulTerm ('*' | '/' | '\') ExpTerm
ExpTerm ::= RootTerm | RootTerm '**' ExpTerm
RootTerm ::= '#sup' | '#supremum'
| '#inf' | '#infimum'
| Number /* number */
| String /* string */
| Variable /* variable */
| '_' /* anonymous variable */
| TupleTerm /* tuple */
| '@'? Identifier Pool? /* function */
| ('-' | '~') RootTerm /* unary operations */
| '|' Term (';' Term)* '|' /* absolute */
Tuple ::= Term (',' Term)*
Pool ::= '(' Tuple? (';' Tuple?)* ')'
TupleTerm ::= '(' Tuple? ','? (';' Tuple? ','?)* ')'
/************************* ATOMS **************************/
Relation ::= '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>=' | '=' | '==' | '!='
SymAtom ::= '-'? Identifier Pool?
Atom ::= '#true' | '#false'
| SymAtom
| Term Relation Term
/*********************** LITERALS *************************/
Sign ::= ('not' 'not'?)?
Literal ::= Sign Atom
Condition ::= Literal (',' Literal)*
CondLiteral ::= Literal (':' Condition?)?
/********************* THEORY ATOMS ***********************/
Operators ::= Operator Operator*
TheoryTuple ::= TheoryTerm (',' TheoryTerm)*
TheoryRoot ::= '(' TheoryTuple? ','? ')'
| '{' TheoryTuple? '}'
| '[' TheoryTuple? ']'
| Identifier ('(' TheoryTuple? ')')?
| '#sup' | '#supremum' | '#inf' | '#infimum'
| Number | String | Variable | '_'
TheoryTerm ::= Operators? TheoryRoot (Operators TheoryRoot)*
Name ::= Identifier Pool?
Guard ::= Operator TheoryTerm
TheoryElem ::= TheoryTuple (':' Condition?)?
| ':' Condition?
TheoryElems ::= TheoryElem (';' TheoryElem)*
TheoryAtom ::= '&' Name '{' TheoryElems? '}' Guard?
/********************** AGGREGATES ************************/
Function ::= '#sum' | '#sum+' | '#count' | '#min' | '#max'
LGuard ::= (Term Relation?)?
RGuard ::= (Relation? Term)?
SetElems ::= CondLiteral (';' CondLiteral)*
SetAggregate ::= LGuard '{' SetElems? '}' RGuard
BodyElem ::= Tuple (':' Condition?)? | ':' Condition?
BodyElems ::= BodyElem (';' BodyElem)*
BodyAggregate ::= LGuard Function '{' BodyElems? '}' RGuard
HeadElem ::= Tuple? ':' Literal (':' Condition?)?
HeadElems ::= HeadElem (';' HeadElem)*
HeadAggregate ::= LGuard Function '{' HeadElems? '}' RGuard
/***************** HEAD AND BODY LITERALS *****************/
/* ambiguities are resolved in favor of the condition */
HeadLiteral ::= CondLiteral ((';' | '|' | ',')
| TheoryAtom
| SetAggregate
| HeadAggregate
BodyLiteral ::= CondLiteral
| Sign (TheoryAtom | SetAggregate |
/************************* RULES **************************/
/* ambiguities are resolved in favor of the condition */
Body ::= BodyLiteral ((';' | ',') BodyLiteral)*
Rule ::= HeadLiteral? ':-' Body? '.'
| HeadLiteral '.'
/**************** OPTIMIZATION STATEMENTS ****************/
OptFunction ::= '#minimize' | '#minimise'
| '#maximize' | '#maximise'
OptTuple ::= Term ('@' Term)? (',' Term)*
OptElem ::= OptTuple (':' Condition?)?
OptElems ::= OptElem (';' OptElem)*
Optimize ::= ':~' Body? '.' '[' OptTuple ']'
| OptFunction '{' OptElems? '}' '.'
/******************** SHOW STATEMENTS *********************/
/* amibguities are resolved favoring the first case */
Show ::= '#show' '-'? Identifier '/' Number '.'
| '#show' Term (':' Body?)? '.'
/******************* DEFINED STATEMENTS *******************/
Defined ::= '#defined' '-'? Identifier '/' Number '.'
/******************** EDGE STATEMENTS *********************/
Pair ::= Term ',' Term
Edge ::= '#edge' '(' Pair (';' Pair)* ')' (':' Body?)? '.'
/****************** HEURISTIC STATEMENTS ******************/
Heuristic ::= '#heuristic' SymAtom (':' Body?)? '.'
'[' Term ('@' Term)? ',' Term ']'
/***************** PROJECTION STATEMENTS ******************/
Project ::= '#project' '-'? Identifier '/' Number '.'
| '#project' SymAtom (':' Body?)? '.'
/******************** CONST STATEMENTS ********************/
/* like Term excluding variables, pools, and intervals */
ConstTerm ::= /* ... */
Const ::= '#const' Identifier '=' ConstTerm '.'
('[' ('default' | 'override') ']')?
/******************* SCRIPT STATEMENTS ********************/
/* Script is parsed as a token and WS matches an arbitrary
amount of comments and whitespace. */
Script ::= '#script' WS '(' WS Identifier WS ')'
([^#] | '#' [^e] | '#e' [^n] | '#en' [^d])*
'#end' WS '.'
/****************** INCLUDE STATEMENTS ********************/
Include ::= '#include' String '.'
| '#include' '<' Identifier '>' '.'
/******************* BLOCK STATEMENTS *********************/
Params ::= Identifier (',' Identifier)?
Block ::= '#program' Identifier ('(' Params? ')')? '.'
/***************** EXTERNAL STATEMENTS ********************/
External ::= '#external' SymAtom (':' Body?)? '.'
('[' Term ']')?
/****************** THEORY DEFINITIONS ********************/
OpDef ::= Operator ':' Number ',' 'unary'
| Operator ':' Number ',' 'binary' ',' 'left'
| Operator ':' Number ',' 'binary' ',' 'right'
TermDef ::= Identifier '{' (OpDef (';' OpDef)*)? '}'
TermDefs ::= TermDef (';' TermDef)*
GuardRels ::= Operator (',' Operator)*
GuardDef ::= '{' GuardRels? '}' ',' Identifier
AtomType ::= 'head' | 'body' | 'any' | 'directive'
AtomDef ::= Identifier '/' Number ':' Identifier
(',' GuardDef)? ',' AtomType
AtomDefs ::= AtomDef (';' AtomDef)*
Defs ::= TermDefs ';' AtomDefs
| TermDefs | AtomDefs
Theory ::= '#theory' '(' Identifier ')' '{' Defs? '}' '.'
/*********************** PROGRAMS *************************/
Program ::= (Rule | Optimize | Show | Defined |
Edge | Heuristic | Project | Const |
Script | Include | Block | External |