asprilo copied to clipboard
Problem installing the Visualizer
I have an issue using the asprilo visualizer. I use the asprilo visualizer via anaconda on windows 10. Opening, using and saving instances wasn’t a problem but when I tried to save an instance I would always get this Error:
„attributeerror: 'control' object has no attribute 'builder'“.
After a bit of research I thought this might have something to do with the current python version that anaconda uses. But when I tried to update python anaconda would say: „all requested packages already installed“.
I also tried uninstalling and reinstalling the asprilo visualiser itself but when I tried to install it again, it would give the following error:
UnsatisfiableError: The following specifications were found to be incompatible with the existing python installation in your environment:
- asprilo-visualizer -> python[version='>=3.9']
Your python: python=3.7
I also tried to install a specific version of python via “conda install python=3.9”. But doing so, seems to make it stuck in a loop when this line appears: [04:22<00:03, 2.59it/s]/Examining conflict for conda-content-trust cycler ipython_genutils idna prompt-toolkit backports.shutil_get_terminal_\
I don’t know a lot about how anaconda works so any help is verry appreciated.
Hi Julian, Could be a problem with windows. I recommend to use a Linux distribution like Ubuntu. Regarding conda: Conda Cheat Sheet
Hi Julian, Could be a problem with windows. I recommend to use a Linux distribution like Ubuntu. Regarding conda: Conda Cheat Sheet
Thank you for the fast answer. Strangely enough I just managed to update python and reinstall the visualizer. But I have no Idea why it worked all of the sudden.
I still have the issue, that I can save but not load instances with the visualizer, but the Error message is verry different:
TypeError: arguments did not match any overloaded call: QRect(): too many arguments QRect(int, int, int, int): argument 1 has unexpected type 'float' QRect(QPoint, QPoint): argument 1 has unexpected type 'float' QRect(QPoint, QSize): argument 1 has unexpected type 'float' QRect(QRect): argument 1 has unexpected type 'float'
Do you think this also has something to do with windows? Or is this something I could fix?
Hi Julian, Yes Windows caused problems with the visualizer before. Have you tried to load the instance manually (not via the terminal)?
TypeError: arguments did not match any overloaded call: QRect(): too many arguments QRect(int, int, int, int): argument 1 has unexpected type 'float' QRect(QPoint, QPoint): argument 1 has unexpected type 'float' QRect(QPoint, QSize): argument 1 has unexpected type 'float' QRect(QRect): argument 1 has unexpected type 'float'
@Joul1 Seems like a conversion problem. Are you using python 3.10.x? If so, please try to downgrade to 3.9.x and see if this helps.
Yes, downgrading to 3.9 worked. Thank you so much for your help!
@Joul1: Thanks for your trying this out!
We have to investigate how we can resolve this incompatibility of pyqt5 and python 3.10 in our code.