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A javascript port of for java and processing. Library works with, but is not dependant on, Processing.js
Toxiclibs.js is a javascript port of Karsten Schmidt's Toxiclibs for Java and Processing. Toxiclibs.js works great with the Processing.js visualization library for
- Examples of toxiclibs.js can be found at, and are included in the examples/ folder of the repository.
- Examples of the original library can be found at
A few examples
classes currently in the toxiclibs.js compiled build:
Geometry (toxi. namespace)
- AxisAlignedCylinder
- BernsetinPolynomial
- Circle
- CircleIntersector
- Cone
- Ellipse
- IsectData2D
- IsectData3D
- Line2D
- Line3D
- Matrix4x4
- Polygon2D
- Quaternion
- Ray2D
- Ray3D
- Ray3DIntersector
- Rect
- Sphere
- Spline2D
- Triangle
- Triangle2D
- Vec2D
- Vec3D
- XAxisCylinder
- YAxisCylinder
- ZAxisCylinder
- Mesh->
- BezierPatch
- Face
- BoxSelector
- DefaultSelector
- PlaneSelector
- VertexSelector
- SphereFunction
- SphericalHarmonics
- SuperEllipsoid
- SurfaceMeshBuilder
- TriangleMesh
- Vertex
Math (toxi. namespace)
- MathUtils
- InterpolationStrategy (abstract)
- BezierInterpolation
- CircularInterpolation
- CosineInterpolation
- DecimatedInterpolation
- ExponentialInterpolation
- Interpolation2D
- LinearInterpolation
- SigmoidInterpolation
- ThresholdInterpolation
- ZoomLensInterpolation
- ScaleMap
- SinCosLUT
- Waves->
- AbstractWave (abstract)
- AMFMSineWave
- FMHarmonicSquareWave
- FMSawtoothWave
- FMSineWave
- FMSquareWave
- FMTriangleWave
- SineWave
Color (toxi.color. namespace)
- TColor
VerletPhysics2D (toxi.physics2d namespace)
- VerletParticle2D
- VerletSpring2D
- Behaviors ->
- AttractionBehavior
- ConstantForceBehavior
- GravityBehavior
- Constraints->
- AngularConstraint
- AxisConstraint
- CircularConstraint
- MaxConstraint
- MinConstraint
- RectConstraint
- ParticlePath2D
- ParticleString2D
- PullBackString2D
- VerletConstrainedSpring2D
- VerletMinDistanceSpring2D
- VerletPhysics2D was initiated on 1/5/2011 by Kyle Phillips
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA