
Results 523 comments of Postmodern

How widely supported is mdoc?

Options such as `--ssh-private-key`, defined in `Ronin::CLI::PatternOptions` (`lib/ronin/cli/pattern_options.rb`), should implicitly enable the multi-line mode. Then the `process_input` methods of the `Grep` and `Extract` commands should switch to reading the entire...

We could also automatically check if the regexp is multi-line and enable multi-line mode: `lib/ronin/cli/pattern_options.rb`: ```ruby def multiline? (@pattern.options & Regexp::MULTILINE) > 0 end ``` `lib/ronin/cli/commands/grep.rb`: ```ruby def process_input(input) if...

Yes, there are [guides]( for how to publish your first gem. You just need a account, create a `cewl.gemspec` file (`bundle gem` can do this), fill in your gem's...

Note that ffi-hunspell 0.6.0 is out which added `Dictionary#add_dic` support for adding additional dictionary files to an existing dictionary, but requires a path to the dictionary file.

@houshuang what does `__ENCODING__` return in `irb`? What is the output of the `locale` command?

I was experimenting with using Virtus to define class-level metadata that would be separate from instance attributes.

Whatever gives me the actual data structure that contains the information in the exception message. :+1:

`unescape` will need to be re-implemented using `StringScanner` to separate quoted strings from `||CHAR(XX)||`.

> Where should the guild be written? Im a bit confused See the `/docs/guides/` directory that contain the other guides. Individual guides are linked to on `/docs/` and `/docs/guides/`.