postcss-js copied to clipboard
PostCSS for React Inline Styles, Free Style and other CSS-in-JS
PostCSS for CSS-in-JS and styles in JS objects.
For example, to use Stylelint or RTLCSS plugins in your workflow.
const postcssJs = require('postcss-js')
const autoprefixer = require('autoprefixer')
const prefixer = postcssJs.sync([ autoprefixer ])
const style = prefixer({
userSelect: 'none'
style //=> {
// WebkitUserSelect: 'none',
// MozUserSelect: 'none',
// msUserSelect: 'none',
// userSelect: 'none'
// }
Compile CSS-in-JS to CSS
const postcss = require('postcss')
const postcssJs = require('postcss-js')
const style = {
top: 10,
'&:hover': {
top: 5
postcss().process(style, { parser: postcssJs }).then( (result) => {
result.css //=> top: 10px;
// &:hover { top: 5px; }
Compile CSS to CSS-in-JS
const postcss = require('postcss')
const postcssJs = require('postcss-js')
const css = '--text-color: #DD3A0A; @media screen { z-index: 1; color: var(--text-color) }'
const root = postcss.parse(css)
postcssJs.objectify(root) //=> {
// '--text-color': '#DD3A0A',
// '@media screen': {
// zIndex: '1',
// color: 'var(--text-color)'
// }
// }
sync(plugins): function
Create PostCSS processor with simple API, but with only sync PostCSS plugins support.
Processor is just a function, which takes one style object and return other.
async(plugins): function
Same as sync
, but also support async plugins.
Returned processor will return Promise.
parse(obj): Root
Parse CSS-in-JS style object to PostCSS Root
It converts numbers to pixels and parses [Free Style] like selectors and at-rules:
'@media screen': {
'&:hover': {
top: 10
This methods use Custom Syntax name convention, so you can use it like this:
postcss().process(obj, { parser: postcssJs })
objectify(root): object
Convert PostCSS Root
instance to CSS-in-JS style object.
Webpack may need some extra config for some PostCSS plugins.
Module parse failed
Autoprefixer and some other plugins need a json-loader to import data.
So, please install this loader and add to webpack config:
loaders: [
test: /\.json$/,
loader: "json-loader"