Oleksandr Porunov

Results 120 comments of Oleksandr Porunov

> Is there a potential release date for Janusgraph 0.6 release? We are waiting on TinkerPop 3.5.1 right now. I created a topic for that release here: https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/r5c3e754750a2b20d4d06ba1cae1baaa3c6bd93fcd24f46ef20a5e55b%40%3Cdev.tinkerpop.apache.org%3E I don't...

> what does experimental support for Java 11 stand for? should we not move our java infra to jdk 11 with 0.6 yet or any known issues with it? We...

We are using ElasticSearch as an index storage. Basically, for counting something we are using a specific index. An example is: ``` janusGraph.indexQuery("my_index", "v.\"my_property\":>=0").vertexTotals().intValue(); ```

> I wonder if it's possible to have a similar String-type custom vertex ID as Neptune, where users can provide any string as the vertex ID, and JanusGraph will automatically...

I personally didn't research that and don't know the initial thoughts behind using Long for ids. What I can do is just assuming. Many databases have different limits on the...

@ryou90 , @darrenhull this feature isn't in my list of priorities but someone can potentially implement this feature. If you describe your usecases and why you need UUID or String...

Thanks @steve-todorov for your feedback and suggestions. To add some thoughts into discussion. There is a similar ID generation technique to UUID which takes 64 bits instead of 128 bits...

Also, it would be good to add this feature (which is partially related): https://github.com/JanusGraph/janusgraph/issues/1778

Hi @taabodim I don't have plans to work on it soon. So, I don't have any ETA. If you need this feature you may contribute it to JanusGraph. I wil...

There are no stable Cassandra 4 releases yet. Right now the latest release is `cassandra-4.0-beta4`. That said, I didn't check Cassandra 4 beta compatibility with JanusGraph yet.