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Revisit contextual function type ordering for UDFs
One of the pervasive issues in Portals has to do with context functions. For example, this is the current implementation of the MapTask
in Portals:
private[portals] case class MapTask[T, U](f: TaskContextImpl[T, U, _, _] => T => U)
extends BaseTask[T, U, Nothing, Nothing]:
override def onNext(using ctx: TaskContextImpl[T, U, Nothing, Nothing])(t: T): Unit = ctx.emit(f(ctx)(t))
end MapTask // trait
However, this is the corresponding method from the factory/builder:
def map[T, U](f: MapTaskContext[T, U] ?=> T => U): GenericTask[T, U, Nothing, Nothing] =
MapTask[T, U](ctx => f(using ctx))
Another thing is awkward is passing a contextual function f
as an argument to anything: it will always cause an error that it cannot find a contextual value, and instead one has to write something like c ?=> f(using c)
The awkwardness stems from that a case class cannot have as a parameter a contextual function type. So, at an earlier point in the implementation, the choice was made to do it as above. Now, it is perhaps a good time to revisit this principle, as after some more recent trials other potential work-arounds have surfaced.
One option could be to have the contextual parameter not as the first parameter, like the following:
private[portals] case class MapTask[T, U](f: T => TaskContextImpl[T, U, _, _] ?=> U) ...
The second option could be to have it as a second parameter list, like the following:
private[portals] case class MapTask[T, U]()(f: TaskContextImpl[T, U, _, _] ?=> T => U) ...
// Rant over
We should revisit this at some point.