portainer copied to clipboard
/locales/en-US/translation.json ignoring prefix
Bug description Portainer runs inside a subdirectory: https://example.com/portainer/...
Everything works fine, except this URL, which seems to ignore the prefix ("/portainer/"): https://example.com/locales/en-US/translation.json
Expected behavior I believe it should be: https://example.com/portainer/locales/en-US/translation.json
Steps to reproduce the issue:
Open any page on Portainer
Technical details:
- Portainer version: 2.12.0
- Docker version (managed by Portainer): 20.10.12
- Kubernetes version (managed by Portainer): -
- Platform (windows/linux): CentOS 7
- Command used to start Portainer (
docker run -p 9443:9443 portainer/portainer
): Using docker-compose.yml - Browser: Chrome 100
- Use Case (delete as appropriate): Using Portainer at Home, Using Portainer in a Commercial setup. Business Edition < 5 nodes
I am also noticing this bug, but I do not run in a folder. This is on the latest BE version.
request.js:60 GET https://FQDN/locales/en-US/translation.json 404 (Not Found)
Hi. +
Hi. +
In my case it was en-CA, but the same apparent issue.
What I show here is that "/locales/zh-CN/translation.json" cannot be loaded. At first, I thought it was a localization configuration file, but when I looked up the file path, I found that there was only "/locales/en/translation.json". It seems that there are only some configurations in the file, and I did not find the relevant configuration on the web page
"link":"Registries <strong>Link</strong>",
"useSref":"Registries useSref"
"add-button":"Add access token",
"required":"this field is required"
"copy-button":"Copy access token",
"explanation":"Please copy the new access token. You won't be able to view the token again.",
"title":"New access token"
Portainer version: 2.14.2 Docker version 20.10.17, build 100c701
I got the same problem. Everything works expected but the network analysis tool shows two 404 errors if calling the Portainer Webpage.
In my case, i am using https://webpage.com/portainerservice/ as subdirectory for my reverse proxy.
Technical details:
- Portainer version: 2.16.1 CE
- Docker version: 20.10.21, build baeda1f
- Platform: Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS
- Browser: Firefox Developer Edition 108.0b2 (64-Bit)
- Reverse Proxy Setup Version: nginx/1.22.1
My Nginx Setup look like the following:
upstream portainer {
server {
listen 443 ssl default_server http2;
listen [::]:443 ssl default_server http2;
ssl_certificate /certs/crt.pem;
ssl_certificate_key /certs/private.pem;
server_name ...;
add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000";
add_header X-XSS-Protection "1";
add_header X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN";
location /portainerservice/ {
proxy_pass http://portainer/;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Connection "";
location /portainerservice/api/websocket/ {
proxy_pass http://portainer/api/websocket/;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";
Like @Jackxwb mentioned, I get the same output if I try to curl
the links on console:
curl http://localhost:6443/locales/de/translation.json
404 page not found
curl http://localhost:6443/locales/en/translation.json
"reactExample": {
"registries": {
"link": "Registries <strong>Link</strong>",
"useSref": "Registries useSref"
"users": {
"access-tokens": {
"create": {
"add-button": "Add access token",
"description-field-label": "Description",
"done-button": "Done",
"form": {
"description-field": {
"error": {
"required": "this field is required"
"label": "Description"
"new-access-token": {
"copy-button": "Copy access token",
"explanation": "Please copy the new access token. You won't be able to view the token again.",
"title": "New access token"
It tries to load /locales/en/translation.json and /locales/de/translation.json.
On the webpage, it looks like this:
Same problem for me.
URI : https://domain.local/portainer/ I use PathPrefix Traefik rule with StripPrefix middlewares. All work fine, only translation country file (fr-FR in my case) return 404 It try to GET on https://domain.local/local/... not with custom Path.
Technical details:
- Portainer version: 2.16.1 CE
- Docker version: 20.10.23, Swarm Mode
- Platform: Debian 11
- Browser: All
- Reverse Proxy: Traefik 2.9.6 on Docker with Docker Provider
Seems like
backend: {
loadPath: 'locales/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.json'
needs to be added in the i18n.ts
file to make the translations files requests relative to the base path.
See the docs of i18next-http-backend
Same problem in Portainer CE 2.17.1
Same Portainer Community Edition 2.17.1
I fixed this issue adding this option to init(): supportedLngs(adding array of allowed languages) so in our case add "en" to replace "en-US"
Faced the same issue, solved by adding the configuration below for the proxy (I use Nginx Proxy Manager). Idea is pretty simple: it will coercively forward all those /locales
requests to Portainer URL
location /locales {
proxy_pass http://portainer:9000;