i3-keyboard-layout copied to clipboard
Change keyboard layout with a keystroke + show it in the status bar
Change keyboard layout with a keystroke + show it in the status bar.
Download i3-keyboard-layout
, make sure it's executable (chmod + x <file>
), and store it somewhere in your home directory (or in your $PATH
if you prefer)
Assign a keystroke in your i3 configuration to switch to different layouts:
# ~/.config/i3/config
bindsym $mod+z exec path/to/i3-keyboard-layout set us
bindsym $mod+x exec path/to/i3-keyboard-layout set es
Alternatively (or aditionally), you can use a single keystroke to cycle through a list of your most used layouts:
# ~/.config/i3/config
bindsym $mod+space exec path/to/i3-keyboard-layout cycle us es de
Each time you press that key, the next layout on the list will be selected.
If you want to use layouts with variants, you can use quotes, like this:
# ~/.config/i3/config
bindsym $mod+space exec path/to/i3-keyboard-layout cycle us "us euro"
Display current layout
NOTE: You can skip this part if you use some kind of tray indicator such as sbxkb, which is probably what you want if you prefer a flag instead of the name of the layout.
A subcommand is included to display the current layout on the i3status
bar. On your bar configuration, you need to pipe i3status
onto the i3status
# ~/.config/i3/config
bar {
# status_command i3status # this is the usual default configuration
status_command i3status | i3-keyboard-layout i3status
needs to be configured tou output the i3bar
JSON format (which is usually the default):
# ~/.config/i3status/config
general {
output_format = i3bar
At this point only prepending the layout at the left of everything else is supported.