startDate in the format: `"startDate": "2017-01-26T20:09:00-05:00"` appears to also work. Which seems to be the standard for specifying the TZ per [JavaScript documentation](https://www.w3schools.com/js/js_date_formats.asp).
If I understood the NS cgm-remote-monitor code correctly, it simply uses the standard Date constructor to create a Date object out of startDate string: ``` function init (profileData) { var...
Yes, the reports seems to be generated correctly. The start date for basal profile probably doesn't matter as long as it's somewhere in the past. No idea why the year...
Oh thanks, I get it now! I am still thinking it would be nice to try and get all the "dates" and timestamps in the app to conform with the...
I haven't checked the code, but I suspect the cgm-remote-monitor uses the UTC-milliseconds-since-the-epoch "date" field for identifying the events, and ignores the "dateString". Otherwise we would be seeing the same...
Actually, this seems to be within the standard for the ISO dates. Z means "zulu" time, which is UTC. > > ISO dates can be written with added hours, minutes,...
I am by no means an expert in either Java or JS, so I am not sure if the TZ offset in the date string is really a standard for...
Well, the _simplest_ is probably just not to specify the Local.getDefault() as the input into the SimpleDateFormat. I assume the function will not generate the timezone offset then. You really...
I was just looking at the MongoDB entries produced by the OpenAPS, and it seems to always use the format with a ':' ``` { "_id": { "$oid": "5a4bef351280607ade72b48c" },...
I have to assume that NS must be playing some tricks with the treatments' timestamps. It seems to be willing to take the Temp Basal from the App, and somehow...