omxplayer copied to clipboard
When playing a rtmp stream , how much delay?
Hi : I have tried 1080p and 720p : 720p delay about 0.2s 1080p delay about 4s
why it have so much delay when play 1080p rtmp stream? some people know, waiting for your repeat!
With --live?
Do you have a publicly accessible URL I can connect to that shows the problem?
sorry , you could not access to .
Can you run both streams with -g and post (e.g. to pastebin) the omxplayer.log files produced.
yes, I can . I will paste the log file here tomorrow!
The log is below, I play 1080P RTMP stream with --live option .
02:53:43 T:18446744072971560411 DEBUG: DllBcm: Using omx system library
02:53:43 T:18446744072971565509 DEBUG: DllOMX: Using omx system library
02:53:43 T:18446744072971568015 DEBUG: DllAvFormat: Using libavformat system library
02:53:43 T:18446744072971587620 DEBUG: DBus connection succeeded
02:53:43 T:18446744072971588138 DEBUG: DllAvUtilBase: Using libavutil system library
02:53:43 T:18446744072971588308 DEBUG: DllAvCodec: Using libavcodec system library
02:53:43 T:18446744072971588445 DEBUG: DllAvFormat: Using libavformat system library
02:53:43 T:18446744072971591972 DEBUG: COMXPlayer::OpenFile - avformat_open_input rtmp://
02:53:44 T:18446744072972223401 DEBUG: COMXPlayer::OpenFile - avformat_open_input enabled SEEKING
02:53:48 T:18446744072976134642 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.clock input port 80 output port 81 m_handle 0x15e63d0
02:53:48 T:18446744072976142258 DEBUG: OMXClock::OMXStop
02:53:48 T:18446744072976142954 DEBUG: OMXClock::OMXSetSpeed(0.00) pause_resume:1
02:53:48 T:18446744072976143993 DEBUG: DllAvUtilBase: Using libavutil system library
02:53:48 T:18446744072976144215 DEBUG: DllAvCodec: Using libavcodec system library
02:53:48 T:18446744072976144355 DEBUG: DllAvFormat: Using libavformat system library
02:53:48 T:18446744072976150758 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.video_decode input port 130 output port 131 m_handle 0x1622238
02:53:48 T:18446744072976156704 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::AllocInputBuffers component(OMX.broadcom.video_decode) - port(130), nBufferCountMin(1), nBufferCountActual(60), nBufferSize(81920), nBufferAlignmen(16)
02:53:48 T:18446744072976197584 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.text_scheduler input port 150 output port 151 m_handle 0x15e2688
02:53:48 T:18446744072976201137 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::AllocInputBuffers component(OMX.broadcom.text_scheduler) - port(150), nBufferCountMin(1), nBufferCountActual(100), nBufferSize(1024), nBufferAlignmen(16)
02:53:48 T:18446744072976245931 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::AllocOutputBuffers component(OMX.broadcom.text_scheduler) - port(151), nBufferCountMin(1), nBufferCountActual(1), nBufferSize(1024) nBufferAlignmen(16)
02:53:48 T:18446744072976250725 DEBUG: COMXVideo::Open - decoder_component(0x0x1622238), input_port(0x82), output_port(0x83) deinterlace 1 hdmiclocksync 0
02:53:48 T:18446744072976253551 DEBUG: OMXThread::Create - Thread with id -1298041760 started
02:53:48 T:18446744072976254105 DEBUG: OMXThread::Create - Thread with id -1306430368 started
02:53:48 T:18446744072976255480 DEBUG: DllAvUtilBase: Using libavutil system library
02:53:48 T:18446744072976255716 DEBUG: DllAvCodec: Using libavcodec system library
02:53:48 T:18446744072976255858 DEBUG: DllAvFormat: Using libavformat system library
02:53:48 T:18446744072976256006 DEBUG: DllAvUtilBase: Using libavutil system library
02:53:48 T:18446744072976256142 DEBUG: DllAvCodec: Using libavcodec system library
02:53:48 T:18446744072976256275 DEBUG: DllAvFormat: Using libswresample system library
02:53:48 T:18446744072976275782 DEBUG: DllAvUtilBase: Using libavutil system library
02:53:48 T:18446744072976276061 DEBUG: COMXAudio::SetCodingType OMX_AUDIO_CodingPCM
02:53:48 T:18446744072976276359 INFO: CPCMRemap: I channel map: FL,FR
02:53:48 T:18446744072976277308 INFO: CPCMRemap: O channel map: FL,FR
02:53:48 T:18446744072976277537 DEBUG: CPCMRemap: Downmix normalization is disabled
02:53:48 T:18446744072976277763 DEBUG: CPCMRemap: FL = FL(1.000000*)
02:53:48 T:18446744072976277954 DEBUG: CPCMRemap: FR = FR(1.000000*)
02:53:48 T:18446744072976283357 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.audio_decode input port 120 output port 121 m_handle 0x15f8c20
02:53:48 T:18446744072976288394 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::AllocInputBuffers component(OMX.broadcom.audio_decode) - port(120), nBufferCountMin(4), nBufferCountActual(16), nBufferSize(49152), nBufferAlignmen(16)
02:53:48 T:18446744072976303502 DEBUG: COMXAudio::Initialize Input bps 32 samplerate 32000 channels 2 buffer size 256000 bytes per second 128000
02:53:48 T:18446744072976303909 DEBUG: pcm->direction : input
02:53:48 T:18446744072976304072 DEBUG: pcm->nPortIndex : 0
02:53:48 T:18446744072976304215 DEBUG: pcm->eNumData : 0
02:53:48 T:18446744072976304359 DEBUG: pcm->eEndian : 1
02:53:48 T:18446744072976304502 DEBUG: pcm->bInterleaved : 1
02:53:48 T:18446744072976304644 DEBUG: pcm->nBitPerSample : 32
02:53:48 T:18446744072976304784 DEBUG: pcm->ePCMMode : 0
02:53:48 T:18446744072976304923 DEBUG: pcm->nChannels : 2
02:53:48 T:18446744072976305065 DEBUG: pcm->nSamplingRate : 32000
02:53:48 T:18446744072976305205 DEBUG: OMX_AUDIO_ChannelLF
02:53:48 T:18446744072976305342 DEBUG: OMX_AUDIO_ChannelRF
02:53:48 T:18446744072976305486 DEBUG: COMXAudio::Initialize device omx:local passthrough 0 hwdecode 0
02:53:48 T:18446744072976307586 DEBUG: OMXThread::Create - Thread with id -1317149600 started
02:53:48 T:18446744072976310252 NOTICE: OMXClock using audio as reference
02:53:48 T:18446744072976313078 DEBUG: OMXClock::OMXReset audio / video : 1 / 1 wait mask 0->3 state : 2->1
02:53:48 T:18446744072976317168 DEBUG: Popped message member: NameAcquired interface: org.freedesktop.DBus type: 4 path: /org/freedesktop/DBus
02:53:48 T:18446744072976317604 WARNING: Unhandled dbus message, member: NameAcquired interface: org.freedesktop.DBus type: 4 path: /org/freedesktop/DBus
02:53:48 T:18446744072976318281 DEBUG: Normal M:0 (A:-4503599627370496 V:-4503599627370496) P:1 A:0.00 V:0.00/T:0.70 (0,0,0,0) A:0% V:0% (0.00,2.00)
02:53:48 T:18446744072976318972 INFO: CDVDPlayerVideo::Decode dts:1315000 pts:1315000 cur:1315000, size:11536
02:53:48 T:18446744072976319489 DEBUG: OMXVideo::Decode VDec : setStartTime 1.315000
02:53:48 T:18446744072976322177 INFO: CDVDPlayerAudio::Decode dts:1319000 pts:1319000 size:136
02:53:48 T:18446744072976324359 DEBUG: COMXAudioCodecOMX::Decode(0x15fc088,136) format=8(8) chan=2 samples=1024 size=8192 data=0x17582c0,0x1793fc0,(nil),(nil),(nil),(nil),(nil),(nil)
02:53:48 T:18446744072976325549 DEBUG: COMXAudioCodecOMX::GetData size=8192/8192 line=4096/4096 cont=0 buf=0x1b663b0
02:53:48 T:18446744072976326022 DEBUG: COMXAudio::Decode ADec : setStartTime 1.319000
02:53:48 T:18446744072976326865 INFO: CDVDPlayerVideo::Decode dts:1339000 pts:1339000 cur:1339000, size:14420
02:53:48 T:18446744072976337261 INFO: CDVDPlayerVideo::Decode dts:1374000 pts:1374000 cur:1374000, size:13968
02:53:48 T:18446744072976339473 INFO: CDVDPlayerVideo::Decode dts:1406000 pts:1406000 cur:1406000, size:14568
02:53:48 T:18446744072976342679 INFO: CDVDPlayerVideo::Decode dts:1440000 pts:1440000 cur:1440000, size:14036
02:53:48 T:18446744072976346433 INFO: CDVDPlayerVideo::Decode dts:1473000 pts:1473000 cur:1473000, size:13764
02:53:48 T:18446744072976347893 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.audio_mixer input port 232 output port 231 m_handle 0xb0e00498
02:53:48 T:18446744072976348418 INFO: CDVDPlayerVideo::Decode dts:1506000 pts:1506000 cur:1506000, size:13532
02:53:48 T:18446744072976358255 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.audio_render input port 100 output port 100 m_handle 0xb0e05620
02:53:48 T:18446744072976360695 INFO: CDVDPlayerVideo::Decode dts:1539000 pts:1539000 cur:1539000, size:13744
02:53:48 T:18446744072976362219 INFO: COMXAudio::ApplyVolume - Volume=1.00 (* 1.00 * 1.00)
02:53:48 T:18446744072976363445 INFO: CDVDPlayerVideo::Decode dts:1572000 pts:1572000 cur:1572000, size:13632
02:53:48 T:18446744072976364821 DEBUG: COMXAudio::PortSettingsChanged - Output bps 16 samplerate 32000 channels 2 buffer size 256000 bytes per second 128000
02:53:48 T:18446744072976365104 DEBUG: pcm->direction : output
02:53:48 T:18446744072976365320 DEBUG: pcm->nPortIndex : 231
02:53:48 T:18446744072976365477 DEBUG: pcm->eNumData : 0
02:53:48 T:18446744072976365636 DEBUG: pcm->eEndian : 1
02:53:48 T:18446744072976365810 DEBUG: pcm->bInterleaved : 1
02:53:48 T:18446744072976366070 DEBUG: pcm->nBitPerSample : 16
02:53:48 T:18446744072976366237 DEBUG: pcm->ePCMMode : 0
02:53:48 T:18446744072976366393 DEBUG: pcm->nChannels : 2
02:53:48 T:18446744072976366630 DEBUG: pcm->nSamplingRate : 32000
02:53:48 T:18446744072976366822 DEBUG: OMX_AUDIO_ChannelLF
02:53:48 T:18446744072976366968 DEBUG: OMX_AUDIO_ChannelRF
02:53:48 T:18446744072976369283 DEBUG: Normal M:0 (A:1319000 V:1572000) P:1 A:1.32 V:1.57/T:0.70 (0,0,1,1) A:0% V:1% (0.38,2.00)
02:53:48 T:18446744072976372809 DEBUG: Resume 1.32,1.57 (0,0,1,1) EOF:0 PKT:(nil)
02:53:48 T:18446744072976373132 DEBUG: OMXClock::OMXSetSpeed(1.00) pause_resume:1
02:53:48 T:18446744072976382051 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.video_render input port 90 output port 90 m_handle 0x175af60
02:53:48 T:18446744072976382387 DEBUG: COMXVideo::PortSettingsChanged - [email protected] interlace:0 deinterlace:0 par:1.12
02:53:48 T:18446744072976387853 DEBUG: COMXAudio::PortSettingsChanged - bits:32 mode:0 channels:2 srate:32000 nopassthrough
02:53:48 T:18446744072976393218 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.video_scheduler input port 10 output port 11 m_handle 0x16519c0
02:53:48 T:18446744072976395625 DEBUG: Normal M:0 (A:1319000 V:1572000) P:0 A:1.32 V:1.57/T:0.70 (0,0,1,1) A:0% V:1% (0.38,2.00)
02:53:48 T:18446744072976397912 DEBUG: OMXClock::OMXSetSpeed(1.00) pause_resume:0
02:53:48 T:18446744072976398092 DEBUG: OMXClock::OMXSetSpeed(1.00) pause_resume:1
02:53:48 T:18446744072976403327 DEBUG: Live: 1.32 (1.32) S:1.001 T:0.70
02:53:48 T:18446744072976408137 DEBUG: Normal M:0 (A:1319000 V:1572000) P:0 A:1.32 V:1.57/T:0.70 (0,0,1,1) A:0% V:1% (0.38,2.00)
02:53:48 T:18446744072976409757 DEBUG: OMXClock::OMXSetSpeed(1.00) pause_resume:0
02:53:48 T:18446744072976410835 DEBUG: OMXClock::OMXSetSpeed(1.00) pause_resume:1
02:53:48 T:18446744072976411176 INFO: CDVDPlayerVideo::Decode dts:1608000 pts:1608000 cur:1608000, size:13580
02:53:48 T:18446744072976412421 DEBUG: Live: 1.32 (1.32) S:1.001 T:0.70
02:53:48 T:18446744072976418433 INFO: CDVDPlayerVideo::Decode dts:1648000 pts:1648000 cur:1648000, size:112722
02:53:48 T:18446744072976420865 INFO: CDVDPlayerVideo::Decode dts:1677000 pts:1677000 cur:1677000, size:12461
02:53:48 T:18446744072976422793 INFO: CDVDPlayerVideo::Decode dts:1707000 pts:1707000 cur:1707000, size:15240
02:53:48 T:18446744072976424242 INFO: CDVDPlayerVideo::Decode dts:1739000 pts:1739000 cur:1739000, size:15768
02:53:48 T:18446744072976425596 INFO: CDVDPlayerVideo::Decode dts:1776000 pts:1776000 cur:1776000, size:15312
02:53:48 T:18446744072976427664 DEBUG: Normal M:0 (A:1319000 V:1776000) P:0 A:1.32 V:1.78/T:0.70 (0,0,1,1) A:0% V:0% (0.00,2.00)
02:53:48 T:18446744072976428099 DEBUG: OMXClock::OMXSetSpeed(1.00) pause_resume:0
02:53:48 T:18446744072976428293 DEBUG: OMXClock::OMXSetSpeed(1.00) pause_resume:1
02:53:48 T:18446744072976428641 INFO: CDVDPlayerVideo::Decode dts:1817000 pts:1817000 cur:1817000, size:16184
02:53:48 T:18446744072976431562 DEBUG: Live: 1.32 (1.32) S:1.001 T:0.70
02:53:48 T:18446744072976433744 INFO: COMXAudio::ApplyVolume - Volume=1.00 (* 1.00 * 1.00)
02:53:48 T:18446744072976434085 INFO: CDVDPlayerAudio::Decode dts:1341000 pts:1341000 size:132
02:53:48 T:18446744072976435761 INFO: CDVDPlayerVideo::Decode dts:1839000 pts:1839000 cur:1839000, size:14768
02:53:48 T:18446744072976437604 INFO: COMXAudio::ApplyVolume - Volume=1.00 (* 1.00 * 1.00)
02:53:48 T:18446744072976437895 INFO: CDVDPlayerAudio::Decode dts:1376000 pts:1376000 size:136
02:53:48 T:18446744072976445332 INFO: CDVDPlayerVideo::Decode dts:1872000 pts:1872000 cur:1872000, size:15136
02:53:48 T:18446744072976447387 INFO: CDVDPlayerVideo::Decode dts:1907000 pts:1907000 cur:1907000, size:16852
02:53:48 T:18446744072976449234 INFO: COMXAudio::ApplyVolume - Volume=1.00 (* 1.00 * 1.00)
02:53:48 T:18446744072976449587 INFO: CDVDPlayerAudio::Decode dts:1409000 pts:1409000 size:128
02:53:48 T:18446744072976456825 INFO: COMXAudio::ApplyVolume - Volume=1.00 (* 1.00 * 1.00)
02:53:48 T:18446744072976457311 INFO: CDVDPlayerAudio::Decode dts:1439000 pts:1439000 size:132
02:53:48 T:18446744072976458721 DEBUG: Normal M:1133093 (A:1439000 V:1907000) P:0 A:0.31 V:0.77/T:0.70 (0,0,0,1) A:0% V:0% (0.38,2.00)
02:53:48 T:18446744072976459117 DEBUG: OMXClock::OMXSetSpeed(1.00) pause_resume:0
02:53:48 T:18446744072976459303 DEBUG: OMXClock::OMXSetSpeed(1.00) pause_resume:1
02:53:48 T:18446744072976460837 DEBUG: Live: 1.31 (0.31) S:1.001 T:0.70
02:53:48 T:18446744072976461511 INFO: CDVDPlayerVideo::Decode dts:1941000 pts:1941000 cur:1941000, size:14780
02:53:48 T:18446744072976462980 INFO: COMXAudio::ApplyVolume - Volume=1.00 (* 1.00 * 1.00)
02:53:48 T:18446744072976464810 INFO: CDVDPlayerVideo::Decode dts:1974000 pts:1974000 cur:1974000, size:13788
02:53:48 T:18446744072976466073 INFO: CDVDPlayerAudio::Decode dts:1469000 pts:1469000 size:136
02:53:48 T:18446744072976468630 INFO: CDVDPlayerVideo::Decode dts:2016000 pts:2016000 cur:2016000, size:12844
02:53:48 T:18446744072976473357 INFO: CDVDPlayerVideo::Decode dts:2038000 pts:2038000 cur:2038000, size:12452
02:53:48 T:18446744072976474775 INFO: CDVDPlayerVideo::Decode dts:2073000 pts:2073000 cur:2073000, size:12212
02:53:48 T:18446744072976477832 INFO: CDVDPlayerVideo::Decode dts:2107000 pts:2107000 cur:2107000, size:13140
02:53:48 T:18446744072976478968 INFO: COMXAudio::ApplyVolume - Volume=1.00 (* 1.00 * 1.00)
02:53:48 T:18446744072976479409 INFO: CDVDPlayerAudio::Decode dts:1502000 pts:1502000 size:140
02:53:48 T:18446744072976481533 DEBUG: Normal M:1156157 (A:1502000 V:2107000) P:0 A:0.35 V:0.95/T:0.70 (0,0,0,1) A:0% V:0% (0.38,2.00)
02:53:48 T:18446744072976482681 INFO: COMXAudio::ApplyVolume - Volume=1.00 (* 1.00 * 1.00)
02:53:48 T:18446744072976482931 INFO: CDVDPlayerAudio::Decode dts:1536000 pts:1536000 size:132
02:53:48 T:18446744072976484651 DEBUG: OMXClock::OMXSetSpeed(1.00) pause_resume:0
02:53:48 T:18446744072976484992 DEBUG: OMXClock::OMXSetSpeed(1.00) pause_resume:1
02:53:48 T:18446744072976486958 INFO: COMXAudio::ApplyVolume - Volume=1.00 (* 1.00 * 1.00)
02:53:48 T:18446744072976487361 INFO: CDVDPlayerAudio::Decode dts:1566000 pts:1566000 size:128
02:53:48 T:18446744072976488632 DEBUG: Live: 1.30 (0.35) S:1.001 T:0.70
Every time you paste a log without hosting it in a paste site a kitten dies.
anyone knows? Give me a help.
Old issue - but seeing the same thing, a roughly 4 second delay at this line avformat_open_input enabled SEEKING
640x480 RTSP stream from a Reolink camera