Pooya Mohammadi Kazaj

Results 14 comments of Pooya Mohammadi Kazaj

@hpanahiird by installing the following libraries, you would be able to use the model: python 3.6 pip install tensorflow==1.15.0 pip install keras==2.3 pip install mtcnn

> > > I ran a detector on vdo.vi and dumped out detection result which matches the video clip. > > https://gist.github.com/yuntai/d0eb58b0eab620db65ac51e326be4c77 > > using detectron2 (COCO trained faster_rcnn_X_101_32x8d_FPN_3x) from...

Hi @MheadHero check this out: [readme-cutmix](https://github.com/pooya-mohammadi/deep_utils#cutmix)

@MheadHero Thanks for letting me know. I'll check it. Whenever I fix it, I'll let you know