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correct wiring? / weird values in GUI
thank you for the code Unfortunately, I have some issues.
- I guess, the correct wiring (with your sample code in to a TMC5130A-TA_BOB is:
def __init__(self, masterspi=True, spiChannel=0, mode=3, datarate=1000000, cslow=True, datacount=32,
resetpin=2, drvenpin=3, clockpin=4, clockfrequ=None, pigp={}, motordef=None, loglvl=logging.DEBUG, **kwargs):
GPIO2 (Pin3) -> VCC_IO GPIO3 (Pin5) -> DRV_ENN GPIO4 (Pin7) -> CLK_16 GPIO10 (Pin19) -> SDI GPIO9 (Pin21) -> SDO GPIO11 (Pin23) -> SCK Ground (Pin25) -> GND GPIO8 (Pin24) -> CSN
Is that correct?
- When I start, the GUI opens with no errors. But there are weird changing values shown. The value for time, XACTUAL, XTARGET, current rpm, VACTUAL and load/temp are changing fast with non-sense values. If I try to start the motor, nothing happens without any error output.
Are there any hints, how to fix this?
Thanks in advance.
Looks like the clock is not behaving, I'm very busy for a couple of days, so can't look in detail, but try a bit of tracing to see what the clock setup is doing, and perhaps check what values are being set in the chip registers
thanks for the fast reply. Just to confirm to eliminate other errors?:
- the wiring is correct?
- there are two typos at -- run the app: python3 should be -- start the pigpio daemon if it is not already running I use sudo gpiod -c 256 should be sudo pigpiod -c 256?
Unfortunately I didn´t find the error yet.