Pooja Pathak
Pooja Pathak
I am trying to build image from: https://github.com/telefonicaid/fiware-cygnus/blob/master/docker/cygnus-ngsi/Dockerfile but build is failed and image was not created.
Migrate cygnus-common Docker file to Debian as mentioned at: https://github.com/telefonicaid/fiware-cygnus/blob/de89f72242a8c6a2e53631e33bca7626e12f535f/docker/cygnus-common/Dockerfile#L19
### Component Feature enhancement ### Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe Issue is related to: https://github.com/telefonicaid/iotagent-json/issues/718 ### Describe the solution you'd like IOT Agent should retry...
I was comparing Fiware-draco backends with [Fiware-Cygnus](https://github.com/telefonicaid/fiware-cygnus) backends and found that following backends are missing: 1. Arcgis 2. Elasticsearch 3. Kafka 4. Orion I would like to contribute to develop...
Hi Team, I need to create my own template in draco nifi, for that I have done below changes: 1. created a template file as nifi-ngsi-resources/docker/templates/text.xml 2. Added processor as...
Added a function call in AdminController.java to unsubscribe Provider whenever a DELETE request is received. Added a function in SubscriptionManager.java to handle the call for unsubscribe from Provider.
Updated https://github.com/Orange-OpenSource/fiware-cepheus/blob/master/doc/admin/cep.md to explain how to enable multi-tenancy feature. Added multi-tenant.md, multi_01.png, multi_02.png and multi_03.png to explain how multi-tenancy works and how it relates to Orion tenants.
Hi @marcc-orange as per our discussion on https://github.com/Orange-OpenSource/fiware-cepheus/pull/79 , I was having issue: ```Every-time CEP receives any configuration, it first unsubscribes from the previous Provider and then subscribe to the...
Experimenting with Cepheus I discovered that if a Cepheus CEP configuration is deleted by sending request: ```DELETE cepheus:8080/v1/admin/config``` It deletes the configuration file but does not ```unsubscribe``` from ```Orion``` for...
I have enabled the multi-tenant profile from application.properties: ```spring.profiles.active=multi-tenant``` and then uploaded config file as: ``` POST cepheus:8080/v1/admin/config Fiware-Service: testservice Fiware-ServicePath: /testservicepath { "host":"http://localhost:8080", "in":[ ... "providers":[ { "url":"http://localhost:1026", "serviceName":...