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Is Ponzu dead?
I was hoping to look at using this for some upcoming projects, but I see the current install method is broken, and the last commit is over 2 years ago...are there any plans of continuing, or does anyone know of well maintained forks?
I see so many forks. It is hard to believe no one wants to maintain this project?
Ponzu is a really great idea, to create a performent API in Go quickely. Would be nice if it could get back to life.
I am not the best golang dev and I do not have a lot of time for open source but I do believe there is interest for this project and I would also be willing to chip in. @nilslice could we give some trusted contributors the maintenance rights?
Refreshing the question a bit: anyone still maintaining ponzu?
I'm shocked - the most used Golang CMS is not maintained and we cannot get in touch with it's author. Sad.
Dear @MyMarvel it is an opensource project, so if you wish to revive it everyone on this thread would be happy. What we are missing are skilled persons with time and will to reboot it. For now there is a very vivid community at Buffalo, they just reached 1.0 , it is pretty similar in some concepts : https://github.com/gobuffalo https://app.slack.com/client/T029RQSE6/C3MSAFD40
@hubyhuby thank you very much, it is exactly what I needed. I was looking for a project to help, but it should be worthwhile - it is insane to try to reanimate a project when there is the same functionality in another well-maintained project, so I would jump in its development instead. Thank you again.
Hi all - I certainly appreciate the interest in reviving this project, and would encourage anyone to fork this and make the updates needed to get it back into shape.
I do not control this repository any longer, nor do I have any access to it. Please see: https://github.com/ponzu-cms/ponzu/issues/349
@nilslice Thank you for the feedback. I personally missed that closed issue and it explains a lot. Congrats on the fine work you did with ponzu.
quick and dirty install, when go get -u github.com/ponzu-cms/ponzu/...
throws error like
cannot find package "github.com/blevesearch/zapx/v11" in any of:
$GOPATH/src/github.com/blevesearch/zapx/v11 (from $GOROOT)
file $GOPATH/src/github.com/blevesearch/bleve/index/scorch/segment_plugin.go
contains import zapv11 "github.com/blevesearch/zapx/v11"
, and there is no such versions tags in repository, so i clone versions with tags v11.3.7, v12.3.7, v13.3.7, v14.3.7 from git into import folders, remove .git folder in each of these folders, and then run
go get -u github.com/ponzu-cms/ponzu/...
again, and ponzu
you can run this simple go program if you already tried to install ponzu
it tries to change workdir to local package zapx
then do clone for needed git versions and removes .git folders from them to avoid git mistakes during compilation, then
you can run again go get -u github.com/ponzu-cms/ponzu/...
package main
import (
var (
ver = []string{"11", "12", "13", "14"}
subver = ".3.7"
pckg = "github.com/blevesearch/zapx"
gopath = os.Getenv("GOPATH")
args = []string{}
func main() {
pkgDir, _ := os.Getwd()
fmt.Printf("Current Working Direcotry: %s\n", pkgDir)
for _, s := range ver {
args = prepArgs(fmt.Sprintf("clone --depth 1 --branch v%s https://%s.git v%s", s+subver, pckg, s))
if err := execCmd("git", args); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error cmd git :%s\n", err)
// delay to ensure no locked files in .git folder with needed version
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
for _, s := range ver {
args = prepArgs(fmt.Sprintf("-rf v%s/.git", s))
if err := execCmd("rm", args); err != nil {
log.Printf("Error cmd rm :%s\n", err)
func execCmd(c string, s []string) error {
cmd := exec.Command(c, s...)
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
fmt.Println(c, strings.Join(s, " "))
return cmd.Run()
func prepArgs(s string) []string {
return strings.Split(s, " ")
I did not have spare time to deal with this error in details, but this is worked for me.