rfcs copied to clipboard
proposal syntax else ... then for else keyword in conditional branches
examples in tutorial
if a == b then
env.out.print("they are the same")
if a > b then
env.out.print("a is bigger")
env.out.print("b bigger")
limited by set pattern in old school
if a == b then
env.out.print("they are the same")
elseif a > b then
env.out.print("a is bigger")
env.out.print("b bigger")
just use "else ... then" instead of "elseif ... then"
if a == b then
env.out.print("they are the same")
else a > b then
env.out.print("a is bigger")
env.out.print("b bigger")
And it is ok in expressions
x = 1 + if lots then 100 else afew then 10 else 2 end
And there is almost no additional cost for parsing.
Without heavy justification in an RFC, I would be against this proposal. I would advise anyone writing an RFC for this to spend a good deal of time explaining why this is better than what currently exists as this adds nothing semantically that isn't already in the language.
What's the value/improvement that this would bring?
What's the value/improvement that this would bring?
Removing a keyword elseif
for a simpler language?
While simple is better, I don't know that everyone would agree that removing the keyword elseif
would decrease complexity, rather than increase it.
I am not in favour of this change; I think that else ... then
would be more confusing than elseif
Even if we were to agree it is both simpler and better in absolute terms, it needs to provide enough value to justify overcoming the friction of a widely-breaking change.
If the value it provides is marginal or just notional, but not significant in the sense of providing meaningful/substantial value to users of Pony, then it's not worth the breaking change.
Dropping in to say I am also not in favor of this. Also here to add that ifelse
would have to be removed from ifdef ... ifelse... else ... end
for it to be fully removed.
@SeanTAllen also mentioned in today's sync that the parser is currently written to require no lookahead, and this would potentially break that current invariant.
@jasoncarr0 also mentioned that human parsers also have the same problem with lookahead :wink:
Though not clearly documented in the tutorial, one can simulate this syntax with pattern matching using guards, like:
actor Main
new create(env: Env) =>
let x: USize = 123
match x
| if x < 50 => env.out.print("< 50")
| if x < 100 => env.out.print("< 100")
| if x < 200 => env.out.print("< 200")
else env.out.print("= 100")