Please provide more information. It is not clear how your use case can be reproduced.
Duplicate of #64 "pyscreenshot is a Linux extension of PIL/Pillow, not a standalone lib"
Try this: ```py from pyvirtualdisplay import Display ```
Can you show your log with verbose flag? ``` ./framebuffer-vncserver [-f device] [-p port] [-t touchscreen] [-k keyboard] [-r rotation] [-R touchscreen rotation] [-F FPS] [-v] [-h] -v: verbose ```
The wheel up/down events are arrived: > Got ptrevent: 0008 > Got ptrevent: 0010 > But they are not converted to touch events (injectTouchEvent) because this is a simulation of...
Your input device may not support wheel events. Check it with `evtest /dev/input/event5` My touch device supports only BTN_TOUCH. (README) More log with evtest (examples in README) ``` (evtest /dev/input/event5...
Mouse or keyboard control is out of scope here. You can find Python libraries. search for "python mouse control" --> https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/mouse-keyboard-automation-using-python/
This project works with X Window. It is not related with Windows.
On Ubuntu Linux symlinks are created for Xvnc: /usr/bin/Xvnc -> /etc/alternatives/Xvnc* /etc/alternatives/Xvnc -> /usr/bin/Xtigervnc* You can do the same. Can you start Xtigervnc in console? I can rename Xvnc to...
Please check if Xvnc is installed on Mac. Xvnc is Linux specific according to the README: https://github.com/TigerVNC/tigervnc ``` Unix/Linux-Specific (not Mac) The Unix/Linux version of TigerVNC contains the following programs:...