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Pomm2 bundle for Symfony

Results 12 pomm-bundle issues
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In ParamConverter, if an object is not found, a 404 Response is generated. Reference : https://symfony.com/bundles/SensioFrameworkExtraBundle/current/annotations/converters.html > If no Post object is found, a 404 Response is generated;

Since the twig_extensions package is abandonned, \Twig_Extension should no longer be used in ProfilerExtension.

It would be nice to have the same functionnality as Doctrine in the profiler. the goal is to be able to copy / paste the query to test it.

Since PHP 7.3.7 missing interfaces throws exceptions => https://www.php.net/ChangeLog-7.php#7.3.7 `EntityParamConverter.php` use `Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Request\ParamConverter\ParamConverterInterface` but Sensio framework extra bundle is not a requirement in `composer.json`. If project require `pomm-project/pomm-bundle` but not `sensio/framework-extra-bundle`,...

Add tests for the property extractor, the type converter for boolean is wrong. Yes, they miserably failed, on purpose. See https://github.com/pomm-project/pomm-symfony-bridge/pull/40 to view the correction

Add tests for the property extractor. Yes, they miserably failed, on purpose. See https://github.com/pomm-project/pomm-symfony-bridge/pull/39 to view the correction

This adapts model and model layer poolers to the symfony 3.3 and their service locator, and a new way to define the service to be autowireable. It also gets rid...