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Lower-Kinded Optics for OCaml
Lower-Kinded Optics for OCaml
NOTE: This library is still Work-In-Progress. I plan to refine the API and possibly rename many combinators.
An optic is an abstraction that knows how to take apart or transform a data structure in some particular way and then put the data structure back together to provide focuses for CRUD operations. Optics for complex data structures can be built compositionally following the structure and respecting the invariants of the data structure.
This library uses an approach to implementing optics that provides the following features:
- Optics are functions and can be composed with ordinary function composition
- Optics have simple polymorphic types
- Optic classes:
- Isomorphisms bidirectionally targeting the whole transformed data
- Lenses targeting a single focus
- Prisms optionally targeting a matching focus
- Traversals targeting arbitrary numbers of focuses
- Operations over optics:
- (C) Setting an empty focus to a new value
- (R) Viewing a focus or folding over focuses
- (U) Mapping over focuses to update them
- (D) Requesting to remove focuses
The following subsections introduce some aspects of Loko via simple examples. The code snippets are also extracted as a test to ensure that they are accurate.
To begin, we bind the Loko
library module to the module abbreviation L
module L = Loko
This is not strictly necessary, of course, but it helps to keep things a bit
more concise. The Loko library does not provide a large number of infix
operators, so one can usually get away without opening the Loko
As a first example, let's just try out the L.fst
and L.snd
optics. They
are a pair of optics that focus on the first and second elements of a pair,
respectively. Using the L.view
operation we can then use those optics to get
the first
let 42 = L.view L.fst (42, "answer")
and second
let "answer" = L.view L.snd (42, "answer")
element of a pair of data.
On the other hand, using the L.over
operation we can use those optics to map
over or modify the first and second element of a pair and obtain a new pair. For
let ("42", "answer") = L.over L.fst Int.to_string (42, "answer")
To summarize, we use an optic to specify focuses inside a data structure for an operation to operate on:
operation optic data
▲ ▲ ▲
┃ ┃ ┃
┃ ┃ ┗━━ The whole data structure we operate on
┃ ┃
┃ ┗━━ What parts of the data structure we want to focus on
┗━━ What operation we want to perform on the focuses
Types of optics
In the previous section we used the L.over
operation with the L.fst
optic to
update the first element of a pair such that the type of the element became
instead of the int
as in the original pair. Optics in Loko generally
allow one to perform polymorphic updates where possible. Let's take a closer
look at the types of optics.
The signatures of L.fst
and L.snd
can be written as
val fst : ('L1 * 'R, 'L1, 'L2, 'L2 * 'R) optic
val snd : ('L * 'R1, 'R1, 'R2, 'L * 'R2) optic
where optic
is the type abbreviation
type (-'S, +'F, -'G, +'T) optic = ('F, 'G) pipe -> ('S, 'T) pipe
and pipe
type (-'S, +'T) pipe
is an opaque type.
With four type parameters the optic
type likely seems puzzling. Let's break it
down. The following shows the meanings of the type parameters:
(-'S, +'F, -'G, +'T) optic
▲ ▲ ▲ ▲
┃ ┃ ┃ ┃
┃ ┃ ┃ ┗━━ Type of output data structure in a write operation
┃ ┃ ┃
┃ ┃ ┗━━ Type of values to replace focuses in a write operation
┃ ┃
┃ ┗━━ Type of values in focuses to operate on
┗━━ Type of data structure given as input
So, looking at e.g. the signature of L.fst
val fst : ('L1 * 'R, 'L1, 'L2, 'L2 * 'R) optic
we can see that it takes a pair 'L1 * 'R
as input and selects focuses of type
from that input. In case of a write operation, those focuses can take
values of type 'L2
and the end result of a write operation is a pair of type
'L2 * 'R
Note that the type does not say how many focuses L.fst
has. In the case of
it is exactly one, which makes L.fst
a lens, but this is not part of
the type.
In summary, optics are functions and the optic
type abbreviation takes four
type parameters that specify the type of the whole input, the type of focuses
selected from input, the type of values potentially written to focuses, and the
type of the resulting output, respectively.
Nested composition of optics
What makes the separation of optics from operations interesting is the ability to compose optics. As we just saw in the previous section optics in Loko are "just" functions. In this section we will see that we can also compose optics just like ordinary functions.
Loko doesn't actually provide an operator for function composition, so let's write one:
let ( ^<< ) f g x = f (g x)
The idea behind using the ^<<
symbol is that ^
gives the right associativity
and the <<
shows the direction of data flow when the composed function is
being called. Neither of these makes a big difference, so feel free to use your
favorite way to compose functions.
What function composition allows us to do with optics is to compose them in
order to operate on nested data structures. For example, let's say that we want
to focus on the second element of the first pair of nested pairs. We can compose
an optic for that as L.fst ^<< L.snd
and use that with various operations. For
example, we can use L.view
let "1" = L.view (L.fst ^<< L.snd) ((3, "1"), ('4', true))
to view such a nested focus or we could use L.over
let ((3, 1), ('4', true)) =
L.over (L.fst ^<< L.snd) int_of_string ((3, "1"), ('4', true))
to modify such a nested focus.
Using ordinary function composition to deal with nested data structures isn't the only way to compose or build more complex optics from simpler optics, but it is probably the most common.
To summarize, using function composition we can compose optics in order to operate on nested data structures. Furthermore, to emphasize a previously made point, a single optic composition may be used with many different operations. This separation of the selection of focuses from the operation to perform on them is what can make using optics preferable over traditional methods when operating on complex data structures.
Traversals and folds
We have so far only used optics called lenses that always have a single focus.
Traversals are optics that have arbitrarily many focuses. For example, the
traversal focuses on all the elements of a list. Using the
operation with the L.List.elems
traversal we can map over a list:
let [3; 1; 4] = L.over L.List.elems (( + ) 1) [2; 0; 3]
Traversals can also be composed with other optics. For example, given a list of
pairs, we could use the composition L.List.elems ^<< L.fst
to operate on all
the first elements of pairs on a list:
let [(4, 2); (7, 6)] =
L.over (L.List.elems ^<< L.fst) (( + ) 1) [(3, 2); (6, 6)]
The potential number of focuses an optic composition has works like multiplication and composing a traversal with any other optic also yields a traversal.
Aside from using L.over
to map over all the focuses of a traversal we can also
use L.view
to extract the first, if any, focus:
let 4 = L.view L.List.elems [4; 1]
In case there are no focuses, L.view
fails with an exception. If such a case
is to be expected, one should e.g. use L.view_opt
, which returns None
case there are no focuses
let None = L.view_opt L.List.elems []
or Some
let Some 1 = L.view_opt L.List.elems [1; 1; 2]
in case there is at least one.
More generally we can also fold over the focuses of a traversal. For example,
we could use L.fold
with L.List.elems ^<< L.fst
to sum the first elements of
pairs of a list:
let 9 = L.fold 0 ( + ) (L.List.elems ^<< L.fst) [(3, 2); (6, 6)]
Or we could use L.collect
to get a list of the focuses:
let [3; 6] = L.collect (L.List.elems ^<< L.fst) [(3, 2); (6, 6)]
Notice again how the optic composition, L.List.elems ^<< L.fst
, remains the
same while the operation performed varies.
It is also possible to use L.parts_of
to convert a traversal into a lens that
produces an array of the focuses:
let [|3; 6|] = L.view (L.parts_of (L.List.elems ^<< L.fst)) [(3, 2); (6, 6)]
Doing so allows the array to be treated as a whole. We could, for example, view
it as a list using L.Array.as_list
and then use L.over
with List.rev
reverse the order of values in the focuses:
let [(6, 2); (3, 6)] =
L.over (L.parts_of (L.List.elems ^<< L.fst) ^<< L.Array.as_list) List.rev
[(3, 2); (6, 6)]
In summary, lenses, which always have a single focus, are not the only class of optics. Traversals are optics that have arbitrary numbers of focuses. Different classes of optics can be composed together. We can perform a fold over the focuses an optic selects from a data structure.
Isomorphisms, like lenses, always have a single focus. The difference is that with an isomorphism the focus is the whole data structure given as input to the isomorphism. Conversely, the output of an isomorphism is not dependent on the input and is determined solely by the value written through the isomorphism. This means that the read and write directions of an isomorphism are both just single parameter functions and it is possible to implement them in such a way that they can be inverted — reversing the read and write directions.
For example, given an isomorphism plus 2
, where plus
is implemented as
let plus n = L.iso (fun x -> x + n) (fun x -> x - n)
we can not only read and write through it
let 3 = L.view (plus 2) 1
let 1 = L.set (plus 2) 3 42
but we can also use L.re
to invert it and still read and write through it:
let 1 = L.view (L.re (plus 2)) 3
let 3 = L.set (L.re (plus 2)) 1 42
only works on isomorphisms, created with L.iso
, or prisms, which we'll
talk about in the next section, and with compositions of such optics. An attempt
to invert other kinds of optics will raise.
Instead of using L.set
to run an isomorphism in the inverted direction we can
also use the L.review
operation which doesn't require the (ignored) initial
let 1 = L.review (plus 2) 3
Isomorphisms in Loko do not need to be strictly invertible functions. For
example, the L.truncate
isomorphism truncates float
s to int
s or, in the
other direction, converts int
s to float
s. Both of these directions may be
let false = (1 lsl 61) = ((1 lsl 61) + 1)
let true = L.review L.truncate (1 lsl 61) = L.review L.truncate ((1 lsl 61) + 1)
Isomorphisms can also be composed with other optics and the end result generally has the same properties as the other optics.
In summary, isomorphisms target the whole data structure given as input and can be inverted. Isomorphisms can be composed with other optics.
The kinds of optics we've discussed so far work in a kind of unconditional
manner. In particular, lenses and isomorphisms always have a single focus. Also,
basic traversals over collections focus on all the elements of a collection.
What if there isn't always a value to focus on, such as can be the case with sum
types, like option
al values? Or how would one go about conditional selection
of focuses from a collection? Focusing on an optional value is not going to work
with a lens or an isomorphism. A traversal can focus on an optional value, but
there is a more specific class of optics called prisms that are not only
traversals, but also have at most one focus and can be inverted like
Indeed, the traversal over the elements of an option is also a prism, and can be inverted:
let Some 1 = L.review L.Option.elems 1
Removal of focuses
A special feature of the Loko library is that it supports removal of focuses. If you are coming from some other optics library, that may sound puzzling. Let's build up our understanding via a series of examples. Suppose we have an array that contains lists of integers. We can write a simple traversal that targets those and use a fold to collect them:
let [3; -1; 1; -2; -3; -4; 4] =
^<< L.List.elems)
[| [3; -1; 1]; [-2; -3]; [-4; 4] |]
Suppose then that we want to remove the negative elements. We continue by refining the traversal to accept only the negative elements:
let [-1; -2; -3; -4] =
^<< L.List.elems
^<< L.accept (fun x -> x < 0))
[| [3; -1; 1]; [-2; -3]; [-4; 4] |]
To remove the negative elements we just use the L.remove
let [| [3; 1]; []; [4] |] =
^<< L.List.elems
^<< L.accept (fun x -> x < 0))
[| [3; -1; 1]; [-2; -3]; [-4; 4] |]
Suppose further that we'd also like to remove any empty lists from the array. We
can achieve that e.g. by composing L.as_removed []
before the list traversal:
let [| [3; 1]; [4] |] =
^<< L.as_removed []
^<< L.List.elems
^<< L.accept (fun x -> x < 0))
[| [3; -1; 1]; [-2; -3]; [-4; 4] |]
L.remove o s
is actually a shorthand for L.over (o ^<< L.removed) ignore s
In other words, an optic can, by itself, signal removal during a write
operation. L.as_removed value
signals removal when the element written through
it is equal to the given value
The way removal works is that during a write operation a focus can be "signaled"
as being removed. That "signal" needs to be handled. Not all optics can handle
removal. For example, what if you signal the removal of the first element of a
pair? Well, it cannot work, of course, as we can verify using L.can_remove
let false = L.can_remove L.fst ("Computer", "says no")
Optics that cannot handle removal propagate the signal upwards and if no optic handles it, no result can be produced for the operation. Generally speaking traversals for collection types, such as lists, arrays, and options, can handle removal. For example, if we put a pair inside an option, removal can be done:
let true =
L.can_remove (L.Option.elems ^<< L.fst) (Some ("Computer", "says no"))
The result is the removal of the whole pair:
let None = L.remove (L.Option.elems ^<< L.fst) (Some ("Computer", "says no"))
We could also have the option inside the first element of the pair:
let (None, "says no") =
L.remove (L.fst ^<< L.Option.elems) (Some ("Computer"), "says no")
It is also possible to compose an optic to explicitly handle removal in some
way. For example, L.removed_as_none
changes the type of the focus on write:
let (None, "says no") =
L.remove (L.fst ^<< L.removed_as_none) ("Computer", "says no")
Another option is to replace a removed focus with a given value using
let ("Nobody", "says no") =
L.remove (L.fst ^<< L.removed_as "Nobody") ("Computer", "says no")
In summary, Loko has special support to request removal of focuses. Certain optics signal removal. The signal to remove an element needs to be handled by another optic in the composition. Some optics handle removal by default and there are optics specifically for specifying how to handle removal.
Maintaining invariants
let eta'1 fn x1 x2 = fn x1 x2
type ('k, 'v) bt = [ `Lf | `Br of ('k, 'v) bt * 'k * 'v * ('k, 'v) bt ]
let a_tree : (_, _) bt =
( `Br (`Lf, 2, "s", `Br (`Lf, 4, "o", `Lf)),
`Br (`Lf, 7, "i", `Br (`Lf, 11, "c", `Lf)) )
let on_br p =
p |> L.prism (function `Br x -> `Hit x | `Lf -> `Miss `Lf) (fun x -> `Br x)
let key p = p |> on_br ^<< L.elem_2_of_4
let smaller p = p |> on_br ^<< L.elem_1_of_4
let greater p = p |> on_br ^<< L.elem_4_of_4
let rec naive_bst p =
L.rewrite (function
| `Lf -> `Lf
| `Br (l, k, Some v, r) -> `Br (l, k, v, r)
| `Br (`Lf, _, None, t) | `Br (t, _, None, `Lf) -> t
| `Br (`Br (l, k, v, m), _, None, r) ->
L.set (node_of k) (`Br (l, k, Some v, m)) r)
@@ L.removed_as `Lf
@@ p
and node_of k' =
L.cond_of key
@@ L.case (fun k -> k' < k) (smaller ^<< eta'1 node_of k')
@@ L.case (fun k -> k < k') (greater ^<< eta'1 node_of k')
@@ L.otherwise naive_bst
let value_of k =
node_of k
^<< L.lens
(function `Lf -> None | `Br (_, _, v, _) -> Some v)
(fun v -> function
| (`Lf as l as r) | `Br (l, _, _, r) -> `Br (l, k, v, r))
^<< L.removed_as_none
let rec inorder p =
|> naive_bst ^<< on_br ^<< L.branch'4 inorder L.zero L.removed_as_none inorder
let "M-a-g-i-c" =
(* Update: *)
|> L.set (value_of 2) "M"
(* Delete: *)
|> L.remove (value_of 4)
(* Create: *)
|> L.set (value_of 3) "a"
(* Read: *)
|> L.concat "-" inorder
The basic implementation technique used in this library was originally developed in a C# project (not available as open-source). Later a prototype F# library was also developed. This version attempts to take the approach further.
The implementation technique has two nice properties: optics are just functions and higher-kinded types are not needed. On the other hand, compared to some other approaches to implementing optics, the class (or the number of focuses) of an optic is not encoded in the type (although it could likely be done using phantom types). This means that operations that e.g. require an optic to have at least one focus on given data or that require an optic to be invertible may raise exceptions.
The goal to support removing focuses comes after realizing the usefulness of the ability from working with partial.lenses. In partial.lenses the ability comes naturally due to the structural nature of data in JavaScript and being able to treat all optics as partial (or optional). In this library the technique is more of an add-on feature requiring more glue to make sure nominal types check out.