WSHModule icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
WSHModule copied to clipboard

WSHModule is a JavaScript virtual machine built in WSH/JScript.


WSHModule is a JavaScript virtual machine built in WSH/JScript.

It is a subset of the JavaScript interpreter that supports to compatible with the ECMAScript 5 standard in WSH/JScript. WSHModule's script run at module scope (CommonJS/UMD) that means it can use require, exports and module objects. WSHModule can assist to upgrade JScript in Windows Script Host as much as possible to approach the ECMA-262 standard.

Possibly, better to use Node.js it would be quickly. However, JScript has been bundled with Windows. Improves a local environment when run a batch script with extension "js" by the passage to WSHModule.


  • Windows (32bit/64bit)

WSHModule will work with WSH version 5.6 or later.

Currently, WSHModule does not use file type association and Windows environment (eg., PATH).


WSHModule supports the following features:

  • Supports ECMAScript5 standard syntax.
  • Supports CommonJS Universal Module Definition (UMD).
  • Working with UTF-8 encoding.
  • Supports standard DOM functions: alert/confirm/prompt, setTimeout/clearTimeout and setInterval/clearInterval.
  • Supports a console window.
  • Fixed JScript bug: try-finally statements, String.prototype.substr, Array.indexOf and Array.prototype.splice functions to standard ECMA-262.

Quickstart usage

Runs script with WSHModule:

WSHModule.exe "C:/path/to/myscript.js"


Execute (drag-drop) C:/path/to/myscript.js to WSHModule.exe

Simple way:

  1. Create a shortcut of WSHModule.exe to desktop.
  2. Execute script by drag-drop to shortcut.


Runs test script:

  1. cd WSHModule
  2. "bin/WSHModule.exe" "scripts/test.js"


  • Getter and Setter support.
  • "use strict" syntax support.


  • bin/src/WSHModule is built on Lazarus (Free Pascal)


  1. Copy bin/wshmodule.wsf and bin\wshmshell.js to bin/src/WSHModule folder
  2. Download Lazarus IDE and Install
  3. Project -> Open Project -> Open bin/src/WSHModule/WSHModule.lpr (Change All files (*.*))
  4. Confirm dialog The file "WSHModule.lpr" is not a Lazarus project. Create a new project for this "program"? -> Create project
  5. Select Application
  6. Run (Menu Run -> Run) or Build (Menu Run -> Build)

You can get a WSHModule.exe by build, and also run JavaScript with WSHModule console, for example, typing 1+1 and press enter key in the console window, you can get result 2.

JavaScript API


  • __filename : Current filename
  • __dirname : Current dirname


console.log(__filename); // C:\path\to\your_script.js
console.log(__dirname); // C:\path\to



var clip = require('clip');

Available format: 'text' or 'html'

  • get ([format = 'text']) : Get clipboard text as [format]
  • set (data, [format = 'text']) : Set data to clipboard as [format]
  • empty() : Empty clipboard data
  • hasFormat(format) : Check whether clipboard has a format
  • getAsText() : A shortcut of get('text')
  • getAsHTML() : A shortcut of get('html')
  • setAsText(data) : A shortcut of set(data, 'text')
  • setAsHTML(data) : A shortcut of set(data, 'html')
  • copy() : Emulate copy command of the keyboard
  • paste() : Emulate paste command of the keyboard
  • cut() : Emulate cut command of the keyboard
  • getSelectedText() : Get selected text to clipboard (shortcut of copy() and get())
  • print(text) : Print clipboard text (shortcut of set(text) and paste())


Local file system utility

var fs = require('fs');
  • renameSync(oldPath, newPath) : Rename file oldPath to newPath
  • statSync(path) : Get file stat
  • unlinkSync(path, force = false) : Remove file
  • existsSync(path) : Check whether a file exists
  • readFileSync(filename, encoding = 'utf-8') : Read content from filename
  • writeFileSync(filename, data, encoding = 'utf-8') : Write content data to filename
  • copySync(src, dst, overwrite = false) : Copy file src to dst
  • moveSync(src, dst) : Move file from src to dst




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