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Service Discovery and Governance Platform for Microservice and Distributed Architecture
**What is the feature you want to add?** **Why do you want to add this feature?** **How to implement this feature?** **Additional context** Add any other context or screenshots about...
**What is the feature you want to add?** **Why do you want to add this feature?** 参考 curl -LO "https://dl.k8s.io/release/$(curl -L -s https://dl.k8s.io/release/stable.txt)/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl" 这种模式 **How to implement this feature?** **Additional...
这篇Issue接着上次关于Mock方案的讨论:https://github.com/polarismesh/polaris/discussions/561#discussioncomment-3396882。 刚非常开心地得知OpenAPI文档已经开始被添加到主项目中,这样上述Mock方案里最理想的路径是使用OpenAPI文档直接生成Mock。 下面根据此新情况阐述我的思路。 I. 量潮的已有实践 我们使用Coding DevOps托管我们的开发资源。Coding对OpenAPI有完善的支持,把OpenAPI项目作为代码仓库管理,通过持续集成功能部署到Coding提供的API文档托管,即可直接生成在线访问的API文档,并且可以一键开启Mock服务器。 关于此特性的详细描述,详见官方文档: - 自动化流水线:https://help.coding.net/docs/document/api/automation.html - Mock服务器:https://help.coding.net/docs/document/api/mock/usage.html 这是一套非常稳定好用的方案。我们采取官方建议的API Design First实践: 1. 设计并发布API文档,同时生成Mock服务。 2. 使用Mock服务作为开发环境开发客户端,同时作为集成测试标准验证服务端。 3. 客户端和服务端上线到测试环境(预生产环境)联调。 4. 发布API文档、客户端、服务端。 II. 北极星Mock方案 考虑到目前是直接在主项目做OpenAPI文档生成,即Code First实践。因此流程为: 1. 主项目更新API文档,生成Mock服务。 2....
What is the feature you want to add? 基于现有的框架,为httpserver中的各个http方法提供 openapi doc文档描述 Why do you want to add this feature? 优化北极星的OpenAPI文档,更方便用户进行接口测试 How to implement this feature? Additional context Add any other...
What is the feature you want to add? 基于现有的框架,为httpserver中的各个http方法提供 openapi doc文档描述 Why do you want to add this feature? 优化北极星的OpenAPI文档,更方便用户进行接口测试 How to implement this feature? Additional context Add any other...
**What is the feature you want to add?** 基于现有的框架,为httpserver中的各个http方法提供 openapi doc文档描述 **Why do you want to add this feature?** - 优化北极星的OpenAPI文档,更方便用户进行接口测试 **How to implement this feature?** **Additional context** Add any...
**What is the feature you want to add?** k8s或者helm中的版本号,可以跟随每次的release动作自动设置相信的北极星服务端以及控制台镜像版本号 **Why do you want to add this feature?** - release时支持helm安装包也作为release的构建产物 - k8s的单机安装包添加install.sh脚本,在脚本中实现镜像版本替换 **How to implement this feature?** **Additional context** Add any...
**What is the feature you want to add?** 配置文件编辑和查看全屏支持 **Why do you want to add this feature?** 配置内容较多时,全屏查看和编辑更友好 **How to implement this feature?** **Additional context** Add any other context or...
**What is the feature you want to add?** refer:https://github.com/Tencent/spring-cloud-tencent/issues/513 **Why do you want to add this feature?** **How to implement this feature?** **Additional context** Add any other context or screenshots...