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A library for building applications in a consistent and understandable way, with composition, testing, and ergonomics in mind.

Results 79 swift-composable-architecture issues
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While exploring some TCA navigation stuff we have found that there are times that SwiftUI writes to bindings even when the view has been removed. This is problematic for our...

Following #752, this PR makes `Store` show runtime warnings when the stack depth reaches 95%. There are many things to discuss, so obviously a draft for now. Right now, each...

## Motivation A new `DiffableListsOfState` UIKit example was created to demonstrate the usage of TCA with a list of (collection view) cells that have a store and are backed by...

In its current state, the library has very few and unidimensional benchmarks. I think that better coverage can't hurt, especially with the upcoming work in experimental branches. I've added a...

We ran into a race-condition where force unwrapping the cached value lead to a crash. I'd like to suggest switching to a safer if-var pattern as see in the `IfLetStore`...

**Describe the bug** The alert modifier `alert( _ store: Store, dismiss: Action ) -> some View` behaves differently on iOS 15 compared to older iOS versions. This is because the...

The code in this PR is just partially documented. Purpose of this PR is: What do you think about that? Managing shared state properties across more states is quite frequent,...

This feature might be needed for recursive navigation in UIKit I can give you access to a private repo to ensure that it's needed > TLDR > - On change...

Modify `AlertState`, making the ID configurable, so `AlertStates` can be composed. This change makes the following possible: ```Swift struct ParentState { var child: ChildState! var alert: AlertState? var combinedAlert: AlertState?...

`CurrentValueSubject` and `.removeDupilcates()` led to redundant duplications of state and substates in every scope and `ViewStore`