JECSu copied to clipboard
- Have a way to store entity composition and its data in a simple extremely readable and editable format.
- Have a serializer/deserializer that constructs entity from template
Example: The way how Dwarf Fortress stores game data/definitions is perfect example:
[DESCRIPTION:A tiny burrowing creature, found in moist soil. It is legless, long and thin.]
Idea: Have a mechanism allowing to read text files in game directory and load data from them as entities on demand.
- example: will allow to have composition root logic depend on dynamically loaded data/entities instead of hardcoded.
- allows for dynamic replacement of an entity/component with updated one
- human readable format, with emphasis on editability outside of editor, modding
- first step would be to have a "database" like system, that scans some root directory for all files of template format, builds a database from them.
- the database itself must be configurable outside of editor through yaml file.
- templates will use yaml as its a reliable serialization.
- we will use YamlDotNet, and not unity serialization, because YamlDotNet comes with open source.
- When system is established, expose request calls by database id
public Entity Template.LoadByName(string name) // LoadById(string id)
- work out entity construction from template/factory
- make sure mechanism for dynamic replacement is provided
< chicken
name = "Chicken"
max_hp = 90000
attack_dmg = 1
attack = "meelee"
range = 1
speed = 1
run_speed = 3
type = "Chicken"
color = #ffffff
prefab = "animals/chicken";
"chicken", 1, 10
"feather", 3, 6
< chicken_brown
parent = chicken
color = #ffffff
< feather
name = "Feather"
mass = 0.01
an example of a template document, several in one, parenting, custom serialization