nealpasswordgame copied to clipboard
Breaking down Neal's Password Game in style
Neal'fun's Password Game
A breakdown on (and also a reverse-engineering attempt)
A simplified list of the Rules:
- At least 5 characters
- A number
- An uppercase letter
- A special character
- Digits summating to 25
- A month
- A roman numeral
- One of
- Roman numerals need to multiply to 35
- The solution to a provided captcha (Bypass)
- Today's Wordle answer (Bypass)
- Two letter symbol from the periodic table.
- Current phase of the moon as an emoji (one of :new_moon::first_quarter_moon::waxing_gibbous_moon::full_moon::crescent_moon::first_quarter_moon_with_face::full_moon_with_face::waxing_crescent_moon::waning_gibbous_moon::last_quarter_moon::waning_crescent_moon::new_moon_with_face::last_quarter_moon_with_face:) (Bypass)
- Name of country from Google Maps (Bypass)
- Needs a leap year (Just type
) - Calculate the best chess move, bypass below.
- Paul the :egg:! Don't delete him by accident or you lose the game.
- All atomic numbers in your password must add up to 200
- Before doing the next step, I suggest you copy your current password (to combat the fire in rule 20).
- All vowels must be bolded (bold button unlocked)
- Delete all of the :fire: before it deletes your password (more importantly Paul)
- Add 4 of :man_lifting_weights:
- Needs to contain one of
"i am loved", "i am worthy", "i am enough"
- Egg hatches, feed him a :bug: every 20 seconds or paste in 3 :bug: every 50 seconds~.
- Find a YouTube video with a given (randomly generated) length.
- Good luck with this one, I just generated my own using ffmpeg and then uploaded it to youtube:
ffmpeg -loop 1 -i image.png -c:v libx264 -t DURATIONINSECONDS -pix_fmt yuv420p -vf scale=320:240 out.mp4
- Change DURATIONINSECONDS to your desired video length in seconds. Change image.png to some valid image.
- You need to pick 2 letters you will no longer be able to use
- Your password must have twice as many italic letters as bold letters (italic button unlocked)
- Atleast 30% of your password needs to be in 'Wingdings' (you get a font selector here)
- You need to type the random color it generates in hex
- All roman numbers need to be in Times New Roman
- Font size of every digit must be equal to the square of the digit (font size picker unlocked)
- Every instance of the same letter needs a unique font size
- Password needs to contain password's length as a number
- Password length also needs to be a prime number
- (Automatically Checked off, look at the rule's number if you're asking why)
- You need the current time in format HH:MM
- ~~Copy-Paste~~ Re-type the password into another textbox, you have 2 minutes to do this.