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Reliable detection of single, double and long clicks for Arduino.


Simple, reliable button with multiple types of click detection.

Supports debounced click, singleClick, doubleClick, longPress and release events.

Provides a generic MultiButton class that can handle any type of input, and the PinButton wrapper to simply use an Arduino digital pin as a button.

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Installing the library

In the Arduino IDE, click Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries.... Then, search for MultiButton and click Install.

Using in your own code

In the Arduino IDE, click Sketch > Include Library > MultiButton.

Using the examples

In the Arduino IDE, click File > Examples > MultiButton and choose an example. Connect a switch (or use a piece of wire) between pin 5 and ground (GND).

Example: toggle a led

#include <PinButton.h>

// Create a new button object, listening on pin 5.
// You can have as many buttons as you like.
PinButton myButton(5);

bool ledOn = false;

void setup() {

void loop() {
  // Read hardware pin, convert to click events

  // Toggle the built-in led of the Arduino on each click.
  // You can also try e.g. isDoubleClick, isLongClick and
  // isSingleClick.
  if (myButton.isClick()) {
    ledOn = !ledOn;
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, ledOn);

Example: detect single and double click

#include <PinButton.h>

// Create a new button object, listening on pin 5.
PinButton myButton(5);

void setup() {
  // Initialize serial port at 115k2 baud.
  // Use Serial Port Monitor in IDE to see the output.

void loop() {
  // Read hardware pin, convert to click events

  if (myButton.isSingleClick()) {
    // Only triggers on a single, short click (i.e. not
    // on the first click of a double-click, nor on a long click).

  if (myButton.isDoubleClick()) {

See the included ClickEvents example for more types.


All classes and public methods are documented in the source code of the library:


1.2.0 (2022-01-18):

  • Support STM32duino boards (thanks to @mixaz).

1.1.0 (2021-11-30):

  • Support switch to Vcc with pull-down resistor (thanks to @BerranRemzi).

1.0.0 (2017-01-16):

  • Initial version.


The MIT license.