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conan-poco copied to clipboard package for POCO C++ Libraries

Conan Packages for POCO C++ Libraries package for POCO library

NOTE: This project has been retired. The Conan packages for POCO are now built in Conan Center.

The packages generated with this conanfile can be found in

Build Status

  • Travis: Travis Build Status
  • AppVeyor: AppVeyor Build Status

Build Packages

Download conan client from and run:

$ python

If your are in Windows you should run it from a VisualStudio console in order to get "mc.exe" in path.

Upload Packages to Server

$ conan upload Poco/1.9.3@pocoproject/stable --all

Reuse the Packages

Basic Setup

$ conan install Poco/1.9.3@pocoproject/stable

Project Setup

If you handle multiple dependencies in your project is better to add a conanfile.txt


Poco:shared=True # False


Complete the installation of requirements for your project running:

conan install .

Project setup installs the library (and all his dependencies) and generates the files conanbuildinfo.txt and conanbuildinfo.cmake with all the paths and variables that you need to link with your dependencies.