true-zen.nvim copied to clipboard
Error with showtablines when toggling Ataraxis or Minimalist off
Neovim Config:
NVIM v0.10.0-dev
Build type: RelWithDebInfo
LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3
Installed the plugin with Lazy.nvim in NVChad:
'pocco81/true-zen.nvim', lazy = false
GIVEN the above installation WHEN I enter any mode THEN everything works fine BUT WHEN I exit any mode THEN I get an error such as the following:
Error executing Lua callback: ...hare/nvim/lazy/true-zen.nvim/lua/true-zen/minimalist.lua:118: Invalid value for option 'showtabline': expected number, got boolean true
stack traceback:
[C]: in function '__newindex'
...hare/nvim/lazy/true-zen.nvim/lua/true-zen/minimalist.lua:118: in function 'off'
.../share/nvim/lazy/true-zen.nvim/lua/true-zen/ataraxis.lua:252: in function 'off'
.../share/nvim/lazy/true-zen.nvim/lua/true-zen/ataraxis.lua:291: in function 'toggle'
...ocal/share/nvim/lazy/true-zen.nvim/lua/true-zen/init.lua:4: in function 'ataraxis'
.../local/share/nvim/lazy/true-zen.nvim/plugin/true-zen.lua:9: in function <.../local/share/nvim/lazy/true-zen.nvim/plugin/true-zen.lua:8>
The stack trace always comes back to true-zen/minimalist.lua:118
What is happening to showtablines
in this loop?
I disabled all of the minimalist options and can toggle Ataraxis mode without error:
minimalist = {
ignored_buf_types = { "nofile" }, -- save current options from any window except ones displaying these kinds of buffers
options = { -- options to be disabled when entering Minimalist mode
-- number = false,
-- relativenumber = false,
-- showtabline = 0,
-- signcolumn = "no",
-- statusline = "",
-- cmdheight = 1,
-- laststatus = 0,
-- showcmd = false,
-- showmode = false,
-- ruler = false,
-- numberwidth = 1
This is what it looks like, not perfect but usable for me.
When all the options are enabled with default values, the error is this:
Error executing Lua callback: ...hare/nvim/lazy/true-zen.nvim/lua/true-zen/minimalist.lua:118: Invalid value for option 'showtabline': expected number, got boolean true
If I comment out showtabline
, exit, re-open Neovim and try toggling Ataraxis on and then off:
...Invalid value for option 'ruler': expected boolean, got number 0
If I then comment out ruler
, exit, re-open Neovim and try toggling Ataraxis on and then off:
...Invalid value for option 'cmdheight': expected number, got boolean true
If I then comment out cmdheight
, exit, re-open Neovim and try toggling Ataraxis on and then off:
...Invalid value for option 'showmode': expected boolean, got number 0
If I then comment out showmode
, exit, re-open Neovim and try toggling Ataraxis on and then off:
Then it works.
I have to disable the following options to get Ataraxis mode to work. As far as I can tell, if I enable any of the following, I get one of the above errors.
minimalist = {
ignored_buf_types = { "nofile" }, -- save current options from any window except ones displaying these kinds of buffers
options = { -- options to be disabled when entering Minimalist mode
number = false,
relativenumber = false,
-- showtabline = 0,
signcolumn = "no",
statusline = "",
-- cmdheight = 1,
laststatus = 0,
showcmd = false,
-- showmode = false,
-- ruler = false,
numberwidth = 1
Having the same issue, however amending the minimalist options doesn't seem to have helped. I can enter ataraxis but zen crashes when I try to exit.
Hi there! Any update on this ticket? Would be happy to get it fixed!
Just set this up today and started seeing this exact error. Glad I'm not the only one. Hopefully it gets fixed. Tried @clockworkpc's solution, but that didn't work for me either. Looks like I'm going to have to switch to Zen Mode until this gets fixed.