true-zen.nvim copied to clipboard
Error: QuitPre autocommands
Error messages:
Error detected while processing QuitPre Autocommands for "*":
Error executing lua callback: .../pack/packer/opt/true-zen.nvim/lua/true-zen/ataraxis.lua:239: Expected Lua number
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'nvim_win_is_valid'
.../pack/packer/opt/true-zen.nvim/lua/true-zen/ataraxis.lua:239: in function 'off'
...te/pack/packer/opt/true-zen.nvim/lua/true-zen/narrow.lua:114: in function 'off'
...te/pack/packer/opt/true-zen.nvim/lua/true-zen/narrow.lua:90: in function <...te/pack/packer/opt/true-zen.nvim/lua/true-zen/narrow.lua:89>
- visual mode, select lines
- TZNarrow
- Split the narrow window
- finish edition, use
to exit split - see errors
Experiencing the same issue.
Does not only happen if you split the TZNarrow, but also if you:
- Have multiple buffers open in split view
- TZNarrow
- :q to quit TZNarrow-View
- :q to quit the buffer which was opened in TZNarrow
Same issue
- Happens in any mode
- Any number of buffers
- Happens after TZNarrow is toggled off the second time and the times afterward (not necessarily consecutively)
- Toggling off TZAtaraxis results in the same error, but only if it happens with TZNarrow first
Neovim 0.8
lsp lualine cmp treesitter symbols-outline telescope orgmode gitsigns nnn which-key toggleterm mason colorizer leap indent-blankline comment bufferline autopairs todo-comments true-zen
Same issue
- Happens in any mode
- Any number of buffers
- Happens after TZNarrow is toggled off the second time and the times afterward (not necessarily consecutively)
- Toggling off TZAtaraxis results in the same error, but only if it happens with TZNarrow first
Neovim 0.8 Plugins:
lsp lualine cmp treesitter symbols-outline telescope orgmode gitsigns nnn which-key toggleterm mason colorizer leap indent-blankline comment bufferline autopairs todo-comments true-zen
add vim.wo.foldmethod = manual
solved the problem for me.
I added silent to my keybidings but obviously it's not a solution, it just doesn't bother me while I work. They will have a slightly more efficient solution, I don't know enough lua to try to fix it myself.
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<c-z>n", ":silent! TZNarrow<CR>", {})
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("v", "<c-z>n", ":'<,'>TZNarrow<CR>", {})
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<c-z>f", ":silent! TZFocus<CR>", {})
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<c-z>o", ":silent! TZAtaraxis<CR>", {})
this only hides the messages but they are still there removing it with the command :q
maybe change in ataraxis.lua in the function This
if api.nvim_win_is_valid(win.main) then
if win.main ~= api.nvim_get_current_win() then
cursor_pos = fn.getpos(".")
if fn.filereadable(fn.expand("%:p")) == 1 then
for this another one
if pcall(function() api.nvim_win_is_valid(win.main) end) and api.nvim_win_is_valid(win.main) then
if win.main ~= api.nvim_get_current_win() then
cursor_pos = fn.getpos(".")
data.do_callback("ataraxis", "close", "pos")
return 1 -- already off
if fn.filereadable(fn.expand("%:p")) == 1 then
pcall(function () pcall(cmd("q")) end)
By adding pcall to the problematic function, this seems to be enough to not see the error messages again.
Same issue, the proposed patch fixed this issue, but caused a new one. I'll put details in #111.