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Error: QuitPre autocommands

Open ray-x opened this issue 2 years ago • 5 comments

Error messages:

Error detected while processing QuitPre Autocommands for "*":
Error executing lua callback: .../pack/packer/opt/true-zen.nvim/lua/true-zen/ataraxis.lua:239: Expected Lua number
stack traceback:
        [C]: in function 'nvim_win_is_valid'
        .../pack/packer/opt/true-zen.nvim/lua/true-zen/ataraxis.lua:239: in function 'off'
        ...te/pack/packer/opt/true-zen.nvim/lua/true-zen/narrow.lua:114: in function 'off'
        ...te/pack/packer/opt/true-zen.nvim/lua/true-zen/narrow.lua:90: in function <...te/pack/packer/opt/true-zen.nvim/lua/true-zen/narrow.lua:89>


  • visual mode, select lines
  • TZNarrow
  • Split the narrow window
  • finish edition, use :q to exit split
  • see errors image

ray-x avatar Oct 06 '22 14:10 ray-x


Experiencing the same issue.

Does not only happen if you split the TZNarrow, but also if you:

  • Have multiple buffers open in split view
  • TZNarrow
  • :q to quit TZNarrow-View
  • :q to quit the buffer which was opened in TZNarrow

dithmer avatar Oct 17 '22 09:10 dithmer

Same issue

  • Happens in any mode
  • Any number of buffers
  • Happens after TZNarrow is toggled off the second time and the times afterward (not necessarily consecutively)
  • Toggling off TZAtaraxis results in the same error, but only if it happens with TZNarrow first

Neovim 0.8 Plugins: lsp lualine cmp treesitter symbols-outline telescope orgmode gitsigns nnn which-key toggleterm mason colorizer leap indent-blankline comment bufferline autopairs todo-comments true-zen

richardhttps avatar Oct 27 '22 08:10 richardhttps

Same issue

  • Happens in any mode
  • Any number of buffers
  • Happens after TZNarrow is toggled off the second time and the times afterward (not necessarily consecutively)
  • Toggling off TZAtaraxis results in the same error, but only if it happens with TZNarrow first

Neovim 0.8 Plugins: lsp lualine cmp treesitter symbols-outline telescope orgmode gitsigns nnn which-key toggleterm mason colorizer leap indent-blankline comment bufferline autopairs todo-comments true-zen

add vim.wo.foldmethod = manual solved the problem for me.

beautiful-boyyy avatar Dec 12 '22 14:12 beautiful-boyyy

I added silent to my keybidings but obviously it's not a solution, it just doesn't bother me while I work. They will have a slightly more efficient solution, I don't know enough lua to try to fix it myself.

vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<c-z>n", ":silent! TZNarrow<CR>", {})
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("v", "<c-z>n", ":'<,'>TZNarrow<CR>", {})
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<c-z>f", ":silent! TZFocus<CR>", {})
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<c-z>o", ":silent! TZAtaraxis<CR>", {})

this only hides the messages but they are still there removing it with the command :q

maybe change in ataraxis.lua in the function This

	if api.nvim_win_is_valid(win.main) then
		if win.main ~= api.nvim_get_current_win() then
		cursor_pos = fn.getpos(".")
	if fn.filereadable(fn.expand("%:p")) == 1 then

for this another one

	if pcall(function() api.nvim_win_is_valid(win.main) end) and  api.nvim_win_is_valid(win.main) then
		if win.main ~= api.nvim_get_current_win() then
		cursor_pos = fn.getpos(".")
		data.do_callback("ataraxis", "close", "pos")
		return 1 -- already off
    if fn.filereadable(fn.expand("%:p")) == 1 then
		pcall(function () pcall(cmd("q")) end)

By adding pcall to the problematic function, this seems to be enough to not see the error messages again.

CesarGuzmanLopez avatar Jan 22 '23 21:01 CesarGuzmanLopez

Same issue, the proposed patch fixed this issue, but caused a new one. I'll put details in #111.

dandennison84 avatar Jun 07 '23 17:06 dandennison84