datatype copied to clipboard
Polymorphic datatype
Allows define-datatype
to take type parameters, as discussed in
(define-datatype (Optional a)
[Some (a)]
[None ()])
Note: changes syntax of define-datatype
; might not be quite ready to merge for that reason, if e.g. examples need to be updated.
cc/ @andmkent
Cool - let me look at adding a few tweaks so specifying type variables is optional (i.e. the old syntax is valid too) and I'll report (today or tomorrow).
Yeah, sounds good. :+1:
Easiest solution involves duplicate code. Should be possible to simplify?
On a related note: having an issue with a "polymorphic" type-case
and likewise match
(: a (Optional String))
(define a
(Some "test"))
(: b String)
(define b
(type-case Optional a
[(Some str) => str]
[else => "error"]))
(: c String)
(define c
(match a
[(Some str) str]
[_ "error"]))
. Type Checker: type mismatch
expected: String
given: Any in: str
. Type Checker: type mismatch
expected: String
given: Any in: str
. Type Checker: Summary: 2 errors encountered in:
Currently have to cast to resolve:
(: a (Optional String))
(define a
(Some "test"))
(: b String)
(define b
(type-case Optional a
[(Some str) =>
(cast str String)]
[else => "error"]))
(: c String)
(define c
(match a
[(Some str)
(cast str String)]
[_ "error"]))
Duplicate code: We should be able to use the features of the syntax/parse library to avoid duplicate code (using features like ~or, ~bind, and syntax classes).
Polymorphic issues: There's a fundamental issue with the current approach: assigning polymorphic variables to a struct that does not have any fields of the polymorphic type in essence ignores the polymorphic variables. For example, the following typechecks:
#lang typed/racket
(struct: (A) Foo () #:transparent)
(define (foo [x : (Foo Integer)]) : (Foo String)
I think this indicates I need to rewrite things to use a define-type
and a union instead of an empty parent struct and inheritance.
Yikes - tinkered with that a little longer than I thought I would =)
Well for now I threw together something that supports both non-polymorphic and polymorphic definitions:
#lang typed/racket
(require "datatype.rkt")
(define-type Int Integer)
(define-datatype (Opt A)
[Some (A)]
[None ()])
(define (extract-int [x : (Opt Int)]) : Integer
(Opt-case [#:inst Int]
[(Some i) => i]
[(None) => -1]))
(define-datatype Expr
[Var (Symbol)]
[Lambda (Symbol Expr)]
[App (Expr Expr)])
(: foo (Expr -> Symbol))
(define (foo e)
[(Var x) => x]
[(Lambda y _) => y]
[(App _ _) => 'app]))
I ended up just rewriting it from scratch more or less---I think it's a little easier to read now, with the catch being it no longer does the crazy macro generating macro stuff and now there is not a universal type-case
but a case
macro generated for each datatype. I'm sure with a little effort you could merge something like what I threw together here with the type-case
stuff in the original definitions.
I don't have a lot of time to dedicate to this right now so... I'll leave what I have so far and if you like you can tweak/modify/etc... it however you see fit.
Oh - and the syntax choices were rather arbitrary (e.g. [#:inst ...] was easy to parse =)-- so if you wanted to play around with it and pick something that looks better or is easier to read/type etc... by all means! =)
Cool - thanks!