only-allow icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
only-allow copied to clipboard

Force a specific package manager to be used on a project

Results 15 only-allow issues
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preinstall config: ![image]( ![image]( execute pnpm i ![image]( pnpm-lock.yaml still has be created

mac: 11.5.2 not trigger preinstall

# Description I would like to re-open because the fix doesn't work for me. I'm on OSX and `process.cwd() === /Users/neolitec/.npm/_cacache/tmp/git-clone-15806b2b` no matter if I use npm 6, 7,...

Hi, Can I use only-allow with a specific version? For example → ``` { "scripts": { "preinstall": "npx only-allow npm@8" } } ``` If not, is it possible to have...

So I'm not sure if this is an Amplify issue or `only-allow` problem, so you might tell me to go elsewhere! We are using `only-allow` for an internal package we...