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Cannot use 'New-PnPTerm' within Azure Function - w/ Managed Identity
Reporting an Issue or Missing Feature
I'm trying to add a new TERM to TermStore, from within an Azure Function, with PNP PowerShell.
I can connect to the ADMIN site within AZF/PowerShell. I've used this to create a new site - that works OK (Sites.FullControl.All) ✅ And also - add a list/content type, and add a SPFeature. ✅
This is using Connect-PnPOnline $siteUrl -ManagedIdentity
I've added "TermStore.ReadWrite.All" for the AppPrincipal And, I can 'read' from TermStore - but get INSUFFICIENT PERMISSIONS for "New-PnPTerm".
I've seen in other articles, to add app@sharepoint - but it still doesn't work.
Expected behavior
New Term added - this is working with a Connect-PnPOnline using -UseWebLogin or -Interactive.
Actual behavior
Error > "The current user has insufficient permissions to perform this operation"
Steps to reproduce behavior
- Connect-PnPOnline $adminSiteUrl -ManagedIdentity
- New-PnPTerm -Name "Melbourne" -TermSet "CompanyTerms" -TermGroup "Locations"
What is the version of the Cmdlet module you are running?
PowerShell 2.* within Azure Function
Which operating system/environment are you running PnP PowerShell on?
- [ ] Windows
- [ ] Linux
- [ ] MacOS
- [ ] Azure Cloud Shell
- [ X ] Azure Functions
- [ ] Other : please specify