powerplatform-samples icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
powerplatform-samples copied to clipboard

Bug fix and enhancements

Open sudhirke opened this issue 8 months ago • 1 comments

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To submit a pull request with multiple authors, make sure that at least one commit is a co-authored commit by adding a Co-authored-by: trailer to the commit's message. E.g.: Co-authored-by: name <[email protected]>

Put an x in all the items that apply ([x], without spaces), make notes next to any that haven't been addressed.

  • [x] Bug fix?
  • [ ] New sample?
  • [x] Related issues: fixes #96
  • [ ] Needs API permissions?
  • [ ] Has other prerequisites? (E.g. requires a list, document library, etc.)

What's in this Pull Request?

Update to correct status when "Save" button is clicked on My Timesheet screen. Updated manager details when saved timesheet is submitted from "My timesheet" screen.


This checklist is mostly useful as a reminder of small things that can easily be forgotten – it is meant as a helpful tool rather than hoops to jump through.

Put an x in all the items that apply ([x], no spaces), make notes next to any that haven't been addressed.

  • [x] My pull request affects only ONE sample.
  • [x] I have updated the README file.
  • [x] My README has at least one static high-resolution screenshot (i.e. not a GIF)
  • [x] My README contains complete setup instructions, including pre-requisites and permissions required

sudhirke avatar Jun 12 '24 10:06 sudhirke