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Provisioning error when re-applying list calculated fields: The formula refers to a column that does not exist.
Which PnP repository should you use to report the issue?
PnP Sites Core - Version: 3.6.1902.2
I'm using the PowerShell cmdlets. I installed it with :
Install-Module SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline
[x] Bug [ ] Enhancement
[x] Office 365 / SharePoint Online [ ] SharePoint 2016 [ ] SharePoint 2013
Expected or Desired Behavior
I have manually created a site collection with SharepointOnline and exported a template from it with the Powershell cmdlet. I am trying to apply this template to a blank site collection. I have a calculated field on one of my lists, which, for simplicity, have been reduced to only copy the value from another column.
Formula looks like this in the template: =[{fieldtitle:EndDate}]
And the names in the definition of the field are:
<Field Type="DateTime" DisplayName="End" [...] StaticName="EndDate" Name="EndDate" [...] />
I expected the list to be updated on the blank site, like the other ones with no calculated fields.
Note : I know (from issue #633) about the fields order and so far, my calculated fields are always after the fields they refers to.
Observed Behavior
Creating the list the first time, all was good.
When I re-applied the template, without changing anything (just to test if I could update my list by re-provisioning), I received the error : "The formula refers to a column that does not exist. Check the formula for spelling mistakes or change the non-existing column to an existing column." After some research in the issue tracker, I have found this resolved issue #849. So, I then tried by removing {fieldtitle}
and replacing the name with the DisplayName
which give this formula instead : =[End]
and it worked.
I deleted the list, re-applied the template and it worked on the initial creation too.
Steps to Reproduce
- Create a list with a calculated field in it that refers another a column within the list
- Generate a template using PnP provisioning framework
- Apply template on a newly created site collection
- Apply again the same template on the same created site collection
I have exactly the same problem reapplying a template and the solution above worked for me too.
Change formula references from [{fieldtitle:InternalName}] to [Display Name].
@chaoshades recommendation also solved my problem!
I just hit the same issue. I agree: the solution is to replace the reference to the internal name with the field's Display Name. To assist in this, I created the following PowerShell script. I run this after the Get-PnPProvisioningTemplate.
Sorry - I know it's not the most efficient code and doesn't cover all edge cases or potential errors, but it did the trick for me. :-) Hopefully this will help someone else, too.
# We're using a for loop instead of a foreach so that we can have an index that we can use to update the original $template object
for($i = 0; $i -lt $template.Lists.Count; $i++)
$list = $template.Lists[$i]
# Find all calculated fields. Because of a PnP bug, a template uses [{fieldtitle:<internalFieldName>}] in calculated field formulas and not the field's Display Name
# The code below finds all instances of {fieldtitle:xxxx} in the field's formula, figures out all of the internal names used (the xxxx after the "fieldtitle:"),
# looks up the field's Display Name, and replaces {fieldtitle:xxxx} in the calculation with the field's Display Name.
for($j = 0; $j -lt $list.Fields.Count; $j++)
if($List.Fields[$j].SchemaXml -like '*Type="Calculated"*')
$fields = @()
$xml = [xml]$list.Fields[$j].SchemaXml
# Find all the field references
$chunksWithFieldTitles = $xml.Field.Formula -split "{fieldtitle:" -like "*}]*"
# Get all of the internal field names being used
foreach($chunk in $chunksWithFieldTitles)
$fields += $chunk.Split("}") | Select-Object -First 1
# Look up the Display Name based on the internal field name, then update the formula
foreach($field in $fields | Select-Object -Unique)
$lookupField = [xml]($list.Fields | Where-Object {$_.SchemaXml -like "*Name=""$($field)""*"}).SchemaXml
$displayName = $lookupField.Field.DisplayName
$template.Lists[$i].Fields[$j].SchemaXml = $template.Lists[$i].Fields[$j].SchemaXml.Replace("{fieldtitle:$($field)}", $displayName)