mention_system copied to clipboard
remove link from removed mention?
edit : first i want to say thank you to the developer. i wrote this message when up late last night.
the gem works fairly well. it does mentions and removes them from the db. i just need to be able to skip unauthorized mentions and remove the link format from a removed mention -- anything that ran .unmention()
using live in production on zedtopia and would like to support this gem development team in the future if we make revenue.
how do i remove the link from an unauthorized mention?
ideas act as mentioners profiles act as mentionees
in my routes i have
get '/untagidea/:id', to: 'ideas#untag'
I added a method untag to ideas to untag when clicking a link to the aforementioned route:
however the link still appears on the idea.
i also am using this with a before callback method, m.add_before_callback { |idea, profile| profile.mentions_allowed?(current_user) }
which i found out works to stop the other user from getting notifications or getting mentions joins in the tables, however the mention handle is still being converted to an element with a link instead of staying an @ tag or being skipped.
I was thinking maybe i just have to unmention afterwards, but the unmention doesn't remove the tag either. (I have a snippet in my view that works as well)
<% if @idea.mentions?(current_user.profile) %> <a href="/untagidea/<%= %>">Untag me</a> <% end %>
So after clicking untag me, the link Untag Me doesn't show anymore because @idea.mentions?(current_user) correctly returns false, however the handle is still tagged.
How can i make it so that when a user clicks untag me the handle does not get tagged? And how can I make sure excluded handles of profiles, that the before callbackmethod was supposed to filter out, are not also being formatted and made into tagged link format?