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A graph stream library for Javascript


npm version Standard - JavaScript Style Guide Build Status

graflow is a stream library for Javascript where flow is defined as a graph. It's small and has no dependencies.

Why graflow?

There are many stream libraries for Javascript, for example RxJS, most, bacon. They are very good but most of them don't support cycles in stream flow. So if you need a cycle, you need a proxy or a workaround like that (see cycle). However cycles aren't something strange in graflow, since you define stream flow like a graph.

On the other hand, most stream libraries use to define data flow through method chaining. graflow defines data flow declaratively, through a data structure: a graph. And you can apply many transformations or opeations to a graph, for example, you could convert the graph into a diagram or apply automatic optimizatins or verifications.


graflow is packaged as an UMD module and you can find it at npm repository. It works on node.js and moder browsers.

You can use at node.js

npm install graflow

or at your browser through bower

bower install graflow

or loading graph.js or graph.min.js (/dist directory) directly

<script src="graflow.min.js"></script>


graflow is a set of component factories, that is functions that return a new component. By convention, every factory name is capitalized. Don't use new keyword with graflow factories.

You can think about a component like a blackbox that receive async signals and outputs async signals. It's like a microchip in a electric circuit.

A component example:

  import { Component, Mapper, Filter } from 'graflow'

  const myComponent = Component({
    components: {
      inc: Mapper(v => v + 1),
      limit: Filter(v => v <= 5)
    connections: [
      ['in', 'inc'],
      ['inc', 'limit'],
      ['limit', 'out'],
      ['limit', 'inc']


Try it online! The result is:


myComponent receive an input (2) and emit values up to 5. It doesn't look awesome, I know. But this is just little example. The important things here are:

  • Async inputs/outputs (from, item).
  • Cycles easily made (inc->limit->inc).
  • Declarative way: a graph (inputs, outputs, components are nodes, connections are edges).
  • Easy to compose (map and filter are just components, like myComponent).
  • Easy to sketch graphically.

example diagram

Note that previous example can be coded in a shorter way:

  import Component from 'graflow'

  const myComponent = Component((v, next) => {
    for(let i = v+1; i<=5; i++) next(i)


More examples.


A graflow component is an object with async inputs and outputs (also called ports). Every component has at least a default input and a default output.

You can send messages to component with send method:

  • send(port, value): port is the name of the input you send the value.
  • send(value): send to default input.
  • send(): send default value {} to default input.

You can listen to component outputs with on method:

  • on(port, listener): port is the name of the output that listener function is listenning.
  • on(listener): listen to default output.


  • Component({inputs, outputs, components, connections})
  • Component(func)
  • Mapper(func)
  • Filter(func)
  • Muxer(...inputs)
  • Demuxer(...outputs)
  • Chain(...components)
  • Accumulator()
  • Memorizer()
  • Checker(condition)
  • Guard(conditions)
  • Counter(initial=0)
  • Repeater(times)
  • UniqueFilter(initialValue)
  • Ticker(ms, options)
  • Delayer(ms)
  • Iterator(iterable)
  • Serializer()
  • ArraySerializer()
  • Logger(options={})
  • Identity()


Creates a component that takes the input (default input), logs it and finally outputs it (default output).


  • options:
    • log: A function that takes the input value (default: console.log).
    • prefix: If specified, a value passed to log function before the input value.

Projects using graflow


  • [ ] Better documentation
  • [ ] A logo
  • [ ] An easier way to define connections
  • [ ] More component factories
  • [ ] More tests
  • [ ] Performance tests