CMVS-PMVS icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
CMVS-PMVS copied to clipboard

This software (CMVS) takes the output of a structure-from-motion (SfM) software as input, then decomposes the input images into a set of image clusters of managable size. An MVS software can be used t...

Build Status

Authors :

  • [main author] Yasutaka Furukawa, Jean Ponce
  • [Windows Porting] Pierre moulon

Special thanks to ASTRE Henri for the PTHREAD 64 bits lib and dll :

Initial port date : 13 July 2011

  • Web resources : -

  • [CMVS]
  • [windows porting]

-- Compilation --

  • Windows => Use precompiled binary, or compile it with VS2008/2010 (Express or pro, Pro will allow you to enable Opemp in CMVS) => Use CMake GUI in order to generate the Visual Studio project file (in ./program you will find the main CMakeLists.txt).

  • Linux => use makefile in program.

Or use CMake build system : => Install the following libraries : jpeg boost boost-graph

$ mkdir OutputLinux
$ cd OutputLinux
$ cmake . ..
$ make
=> That's all. Openmp is not activated yet.
Add openmp in the cmvs link option and define the _OPENMP cxx flags

---- Notes : ----

To test it : ./WinX-VS2010/Readme.txt "Usage of the binaries"

What have been done on native Yasutaka Furukawa source code :

  • Create the CMake build system for CMVS/PMVS2 and required library.

  • Optimize a little bit JPEG image loading.

  • Update CMVS source code in order to compile.

  • Add changes from Nghia Ho

    • memoize pow(2,X)
    • Change GSL simplex to lmfit.
  • Replaced GSL simplex/lmfit with nlopt optimizer

  • Replaced image loading routines with CImg. Now PPMs are supported properly, with optional support for PNG and TIFF

  • Replaced BLAS/LAPACK with Eigen

  • Updated internal jpeg library and miniBoost

  • CMake-system now supports system boost, jpeg and other libraries if available.

  • Replaced pthread with tinycthread to get rid of pthread.dll on Windows